
Fire safety guidance - existing high rise domestic buildings and specialised housing and similar premises: impact and effectiveness

Independent evaluation of the practical fire safety guidance for existing high rise domestic buildings and the practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing to determine whether the guidance is used by those it is intended for, is helpful, and what may be needed to strengthen it.


1. One participant withheld permission, so notes were made; the recorder failed in one case, so notes again have been used.

2. See Q51 and Q52

3. Fire safety guidance for care homes - (, 2014

4. The Guidance does refer to PEEPs at para 48 (in relation to evacuation plans for supported housing and small care homes), at para 133 in relation to premises-based FSRA, and in para 148 which provides a methodology for assessing fire risk, and includes PEEPs as an information source.

5. The Guidance says that a small care home is considered to be: a premises similar to supported housing in which a "care home service" is provided, as defined by the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 in which only a small number of residents are accommodated (typically no more than 6).

6. The SFRS produce a carer's guide to fire safety in the home, which is short (12 pages) and easy to read. Carers_Guide_Fire_Safety_leaflet.pdf ( is referenced in the guidance for specialised housing (para 40).

7. It is noted that the guidance does mention clothing at para 59, but does not mention nightclothes specifically.



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