
Fire safety guidance - existing high rise domestic buildings and specialised housing and similar premises: impact and effectiveness

Independent evaluation of the practical fire safety guidance for existing high rise domestic buildings and the practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing to determine whether the guidance is used by those it is intended for, is helpful, and what may be needed to strengthen it.

Appendix D: Online survey questionnaire

Scottish Government

Evaluation of Fire Safety Guidance

Online Questionnaire Final

Revised 8.3.21


Hello, welcome to this online survey about the fire safety guidance issued by the Scottish Government approximately one year ago. It will take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Even if you are not aware of or have not read this guidance we would be very grateful if you could take part in the survey. An important objective of the evaluation is to measure levels of awareness and engagement with the guidance so widespread participation in the survey is critical to achieving this.

Thank you in advance for taking part.

The survey is completely confidential, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. The answers you give in the survey will be combined with answers from other people who have taken part to give overall survey findings. No one will be able to identify you individually from the data. Progressive guarantees that all your answers will remain strictly anonymous. Click for Progressive's privacy policy.

If you are happy to continue with the survey, please click 'Next' below.


For this survey we will refer to high rise domestic buildings and specialised housing. The definitions of these terms are detailed below.

  • High rise domestic buildings are those over 18 metres high (generally more than 6 floors).
  • Specialised housing is defined as including:

− Sheltered, very sheltered and extra care housing - mainly (but not exclusively) for older people living at home with different levels of care or support.

− Supported housing - for people with physical, sensory, mental health or cognitive impairments.

  • The Specialised Housing and Similar Premises Guidance also applies to small care homes. These are constructed as domestic dwellings and accommodate only a few residents, e.g. older people; children and young people; people with learning disabilities; people with drug and alcohol problems; people with mental health problems; and people with physical and sensory impairment. The Guidance may also be useful for people living in owned or rented dwellings who receive a "care at home" service (referred to as "general needs" housing).

SQ1 Firstly, what description best fits your organisation or business?

Single Code Code
Local authority 1
Housing association 2
Private landlord/building owner 3
Building management company/factoring company/agent 4
Care provider 5
Other (please specify) 6

SQ2 Which of the following types of housing are directly managed by your organisation?

Single Code Code
High rise domestic buildings 1
Specialised housing (e.g. sheltered, extra care, supported housing and small care homes) 2
Both high rise domestic buildings and specialised housing 3
Neither high rise domestic buildings nor specialised housing 4

Ask if SQ2 = 3 (both)

SQ2a Are you able to answer questions about fire safety for high rise buildings, specialised housing or both?

Single Code Code
High rise domestic buildings 1
Specialised housing 2
Both high rise domestic buildings and specialised housing 3
Neither high rise domestic buildings nor specialised housing 4

Not Asked if SQ2a=4

SQ3 Does your organisation provide care or support services in any of the following ways?

Multi-Code Code
Yes – care and/or support services provided in our own specialised accommodation [Mask – only show if SQ2 = (2,3)] 1
Yes - care and/or support services delivered in third party specialised accommodation 2
Yes – care/support services in our own and in third party specialised accommodation [Mask – only show if SQ2 = (2,3)] 3
Yes – care/support services in general needs housing 4
None of the above – do not provide care/support services [Exclusive] 5

Ask if SQ2=(1,3)

Fire Safety Guidance For High Rise Domestic Buildings

Awareness And Use Of The Fire Safety Guidance For High Rise Buildings

Add note if respondent responsible for both high rise domestic buildings and specialised housing –SQ2a = 3

We would firstly like to ask you some questions about the fire safety guidance for high rise domestic buildings.

Ask if SQ2 = 1 or SQ2a = (1,3)

Before taking part in this survey today, were you aware of the practical fire safety guidance for existing high rise domestic buildings?

Single Code Code
Yes, aware of it and read it (that is, read some, most or all of it) 1
Yes, aware of it but not read it 2
Not aware of it 3

Ask if Q1 = (1,2)

How did you become aware of the fire safety guidance for high rise domestic buildings? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Through formal channels at work, e.g. from my manager or at a Health and Safety training session 1
Told about it by a colleague 2
From an industry body 3
In the media, trade press 4
From a communication sent to me by the Scottish Government 5
I was involved in the development of the guidance 6
Someone in my organisation was involved in the development of the guidance 7
From the consultant or fire officer (SFRS) who inspects our buildings 8
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 9
Unsure [Fixed / Exclusive] 10

Ask if Q1=(1,2)

Have you attended any workshops, meetings or seminars about the guidance?

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q3=1

Who delivered this workshop, meeting or seminar about the guidance? Please tick all that apply

Multi-Code Code
My organisation 1
Industry body (please specify) 2
Other (please specify) 3
Unsure [Exclusive] 4

Ask if Q1= (1,2)

Have you or are you currently using the fire safety guidance for high rise domestic buildings in any way? For example, this could be to review current procedures and policies, training of staff, implementing new procedures, or to undertake risk assessments.

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q5=1

How are you using the guidance? Please tick all that apply

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
To update policies and procedures 1
To create new policies or procedures 2
To train staff and make staff aware of fire safety issues 3
When conducting fire safety risk assessments on our buildings 4
When undertaking action in response to risk assessments 5
To ensure we achieve a satisfactory standard of fire safety 6
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 7
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 8

Ask if Q1=1

How would you rate the fire safety guidance for high rise domestic buildings on the following aspects?

Invert Scale; Randomise Statements Very good Quite good Neither good nor poor Quite poor Very poor Unsure
Comprehensive coverage of the relevant aspects of fire safety 1 2 3 4 5 6
Being user-friendly – the language and layout are easy to follow 1 2 3 4 5 6
Clarity of the organisations and buildings to which the guidance applies 1 2 3 4 5 6
Advice on how to use/implement the guidance 1 2 3 4 5 6
Signposting to further sources of information and advice 1 2 3 4 5 6
Provision of practical tools to improve fire safety (e.g. checklists, risk assessment templates) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Guidance on who should complete risk assessments 1 2 3 4 5 6
Guidance on how to complete risk assessments 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ask if quite poor or poor to each statement.

You have rated [statement from Q7] as poor. Why do you say that?

High Rise Buildings: Fire Safety Risk Assessment

Ask if SQ2 = 1 or SQ2a = (1,3) – all responsible for high rise domestic buildings

Do you have current Fire Safety Risk Assessments which have been undertaken or reviewed in the last year for your high rise properties?

Single Code Code
Yes – for all properties 1
Yes – for the majority of properties 2
Yes – for some properties 3
No – for none 4
Unsure 5

Ask if Q9=(1,2,3)

Which of the following statements best describes your organisation's practice on undertaking premises based fire safety risk assessments. Did your organisation carry out premises-based fire safety risk assessments before or after the new guidance was published?

Single Code Code
We started carrying out premises-based fire safety risk assessments prior to the publication of the Scottish Government guidance in 2020 1
We started carrying out premises-based fire safety risk assessments following the publication of the Scottish Government guidance in 2020 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q9=(1,2,3)

Which of the following statements best describes what prompted your organisation to carry out fire safety risk assessments across your high rise properties? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Good practice in building management/H&S 1
Prompted by the publication of the Scottish Government guidance 2
Prompted by a fire within the building 3
Fire reduction strategy/performance indicator 4
Other reason (please specify) [Fixed] 5
Unsure [Fixed / Exclusive] 6

Ask if Q9 = (1,2,3)

Who carries out the Fire Safety Risk Assessment in your high rise properties?

Single Code Code
Employee of your organisation (could be yourself) 1
External consultant 2
Mix of in-house and external consultant 3
Other (please specify) 4
Unsure 5

Ask if Q12 = (2,3)

Are your fire safety risk assessments carried out by an external assessor who is 3rd party certified or registered with a professional body?

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q1=1

Have you read through the fire safety risk assessment template in the fire safety guidance for high rise domestic buildings?

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q14=1

Have you used the fire safety risk assessment template for high rise buildings in any way within your organisation? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code Code
Yes - we have used the fire safety risk assessment template provided in the Guidance to conduct risk assessments 1
Yes - we have used the template to adapt or update our existing in-house/consultant's risk assessment approach 2
Yes - we have used the template as a basis to create a risk assessment approach for our organisation 3
Yes - used in another way (please specify) 4
No – we currently use PAS 79 instead 5
No – we use a different template (not PAS 79 or SG) 6
No – we do not currently use a template 7
Unsure [Exclusive] 8

Ask if Q15 = (1~4)

Overall, how useful has the fire safety risk assessment template for high rise buildings been to your organisation?

Very useful 1
Quite useful 2
Not very useful 3
Not at all useful 4
Unsure 5

Fire Safety Guidance For High Rise Buildings

Ask if Q5=2 (those not using guidance)

What are the reasons that you have not used the guidance for high rise buildings so far? Please select all that apply.

Multi Code / Randomise Code
Have not had time to read it yet 1
Not had time to put the guidance into practice yet 2
Do not have the staff resource available to review or put the guidance into practice yet 3
Do not have financial resources to commission an external consultant to undertake the risk assessment 4
We already have robust fire safety measures, procedures and policies in place 5
We have been focussed on dealing with coronavirus pandemic for the last year 6
The guidance is not relevant to my organisation 7
The guidance is not clear or easy to follow 8
Senior management don't see it as a priority at the current time 9
Do not have the financial resource to implement actions/major actions potentially identified by a fire safety risk assessment 10
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 11
Unsure [Fixed / Exclusive] 12
Not experienced any barriers or problems [Fixed / Exclusive] 13

Ask if Q5=2 (those not using guidance)

Do you intend to use the guidance for high rise buildings in the future?

Single Code Code
Yes, definitely 1
Yes, possibly 2
No 3
Unsure 4

Ask if Q18 = 3

Q18a. Why do you not intend to use the fire safety guidance for high rise buildings?

Ask if Q5 = 1 (those using the guidance)

Have you experienced any difficulties or barriers in using or implementing the fire safety guidance for high rise buildings? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Finding time to read it 1
Finding time to put the guidance into practice 2
Finding the staff resource to review or put the guidance into practice 3
Lack of financial resource to commission an external consultant to undertake the risk assessment 4
Organisational focus on dealing with coronavirus pandemic for the last year 5
The guidance itself is not clear or easy to follow 6
Senior management do not see fire safety risk assessment or implementing actions as a priority 7
Lack of financial resource to implement any actions identified by a fire safety risk assessment 8
Difficult to obtain the cooperation of residents for risk assessments or implementing actions 9
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 10
Unsure [Fixed / Exclusive] 11
Not experiencing any barriers or problems [Fixed / Exclusive] 12

Ask if Q1 = (1,2) and not Q18 = 3 (all aware of guidance, excluding those not using or intending to use it)

Is there anything more that the Scottish Government could do to support you to use the fire safety risk assessment template in particular or to implement the Guidance overall?

  Fire Safety Risk Assessment Template Guidance for high rise buildings
Yes 1 1
No 2 2
Unsure 3 3

Ask if Q20a = 1

What further support to implement the risk assessment template would be helpful?

Ask if Q20b = 1

21b. What further support to implement the guidance would be helpful?

Ask if Q1 = 1 (read guidance) and not Q18 = 3

Thinking now about the fire safety guidance for high rise domestic buildings, how valuable would you say the risk assessment template and the guidance has been or will be for your organisation?

  Fire Safety Risk Assessment Template Guidance for high rise buildings
Very valuable 1 1
Quite valuable 2 2
Not very valuable 3 3
Not at all valuable 4 4
Unsure 5 5

Ask if Q1=1 (read guidance) and not Q18 = 3

Are there any aspects of the fire safety guidance for high rise domestic buildings that you would like to see improved?

  Fire Safety Risk Assessment Template Guidance for high rise buildings
Yes 1 1
No 2 2

Ask if Q23a=1

What would you like to see improved in the fire safety risk assessment template for high rise buildings?

Ask if Q23b=1

What would you like to see improved in the fire safety guidance for high rise buildings?

Ask if Q1=1,2 (aware of the guidance)

Do you have any other comments you wish to make on the fire safety guidance for high rise buildings?

Ask if SQ2 = 2 or SQ2a = (2,3)

Fire Safety Guidance For Specialised Housing

Awareness And Use Of The Fire Safety Guidance For Specialised Housing

Add note if respondent responsible for both high rise domestic buildings and specialised housing –SQ2a = 3

We would now like to ask you some questions about the fire safety guidance for specialised housing.

Ask if SQ2 = 2 or SQ2a = (2,3)

Before taking part in this survey today, were you aware of the practical fire safety guidance for specialised housing?

Single Code Code
Yes, aware of it and read it (that is, read some, most or all of it) 1
Yes, aware of it but not read it 2
Not aware of it 3

Ask if (SQ2 = 4 or SQ2a = 4) and SQ3= (2,4)

Before taking part in this survey today, were you aware of the practical fire safety guidance for specialised housing?

Single Code Code
Yes, aware of it and read it (that is, read some, most or all of it) 1
Yes, aware of it but not read it 2
Not aware of it 3

Ask if Q27= (1,2) or Q28 =(1,2)

How did you become aware of the fire safety guidance for specialised housing? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Through formal channels at work, e.g. from my manager or at a Health and Safety training session 1
Told about it by a colleague 2
From an industry body 3
In the media, trade press 4
From a communication sent to me by the Scottish Government 5
I was involved in the development of the guidance 6
Someone in my organisation was involved in the development of the guidance 7
From a consultant who has inspected our buildings 8
On the advice of a fire officer (SFRS) 9
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 10
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 11

Ask if Q27= (1,2) or Q28 =(1,2)

Have you attended any workshops, meetings or seminars about the guidance for specialised housing?

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q30 = 1

Who delivered this workshop, meeting or seminar about the guidance?

Multi-Code Code
My organisation 1
Industry body (please specify) 2
Other (please specify) 3
Unsure [Exclusive] 4

Ask if Q27= (1,2) or Q28 =(1,2)

Have you or are you currently using the fire safety guidance for specialised housing in any way? This may be simply using it to review current procedures and policies, training of staff, implementing new procedures, to undertake risk assessments, etc.

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q32 = 1

How are you using the guidance? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
To update policies and procedures 1
To create new policies or procedures 2
To train staff and make staff aware of fire safety issues 3
To conduct a fire safety risk assessment on our buildings 4
When undertaking action in response to risk assessments 5
To conduct person centred fire safety risk assessments for our residents 6
To ensure we achieve a satisfactory standard of fire safety 7
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 8
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 9

Ask if Q27 = 1 or Q28 = 1

How would you rate the fire safety guidance for specialised housing on the following aspects?

Invert Scale; Randomise Statements Very good Quite good Neither good nor poor Quite poor Very poor Unsure
Comprehensive coverage of relevant aspects of fire safety 1 2 3 4 5 6
Being user-friendly – the language and layout are easy to follow 1 2 3 4 5 6
Clarity of the organisations and buildings to which the guidance applies 1 2 3 4 5 6
Advice on how to use/implement the guidance 1 2 3 4 5 6
Signposting to further sources of information and advice 1 2 3 4 5 6
Provision of practical tools to improve fire safety (e.g. checklists, risk assessment templates) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Guidance on who should complete risk assessments 1 2 3 4 5 6
Guidance on how to complete risk assessments 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ask if quite poor or poor to each statement.

You have rated [statement from Q34] as poor. Why do you say that?

Ask if SQ2 = 2 or SQ2a = (2,3)

Premises-Based Fire Safety Risk Assessment

We would now like to ask you some questions about the premises-based fire safety risk assessment – that is the risk assessment for buildings rather than the person-centred risk assessment.

Ask if SQ2 = 2 or SQ2a = (2,3)

Do you have current premises-based Fire Safety Risk Assessments which have been undertaken or reviewed in the last year for your specialised housing or similar properties?

Single Code Code
Yes – for all properties 1
Yes – for the majority of properties 2
Yes – for some properties 3
No – for none 4
Unsure [Exclusive] 5

Ask if Q36=(1,2,3)

Which of the following statements best describes your organisation's practice on undertaking premises-based fire safety risk assessments. Did your organisation carry out premises-based fire safety risk assessments before or after the new guidance was published?

Single Code Code
We started carrying out premises-based fire safety risk assessments prior the publication of the Scottish Government guidance in 2020 1
We started carrying out premises based fire safety risk assessments following the publication of the Scottish Government guidance in 2020 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q36=(1,2,3)

Which of the following statements best describes what has prompted your organisation to carry out fire safety risk assessments in specialised housing or similar premises? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Good practice in building management/H&S 1
Prompted by the publication of the Scottish Government guidance 2
Prompted by a fire within the building 3
Fire reduction strategy/performance indicator 4
Other reason (please specify) [Fixed] 5
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 6

Ask if Q36 = (1,2,3)

Who carries out the Fire Safety Risk Assessment in your specialised housing or similar properties?

Single Code Code
Employee of your organisation (could be yourself) 1
External consultant 2
Mix of in-house and external consultant 3
Unsure 4

Ask if Q39 = (2,3)

Are your fire safety risk assessments carried out by an external assessor who is 3rd party certified or registered with a professional body?

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q27 = 1

Have you read through the premises-based fire safety risk assessment template for specialised housing fire safety guidance?

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q41= 1

Have you used the premises-based fire safety risk assessment template in any way within your organisation? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code Code
Yes - we have used the premises-based fire safety risk assessment template provided in the Guidance to conduct risk assessments 1
Yes - we have used the template to adapt or update our existing in-house/consultant's risk assessment approach 2
Yes - we have used the template as a basis to create a risk assessment approach for our organisation 3
Yes - used in another way (please specify) 4
No – we currently use PAS 79 instead 5
No – we use a different template (not PAS79 or SG) 6
No – we do not currently use a template 7
Unsure [Exclusive] 8

Ask if Q42 = (1~4)

Overall, how useful has the premises-based fire safety risk assessment been to your organisation?

Very useful 1
Quite useful 2
Not very useful 3
Not at all useful 4
Unsure 5

Ask if SQ2a = (2,3) or ((SQ2=4 or SQ2a=4) or SQ3=(2,4))

Specialised Housing: Person-Centred Risk Assessment

We would now like to ask you some questions about the person-centred fire safety risk assessment – that is the risk assessment for people/residents rather than the premises-based risk assessment.

Ask if SQ2=2 or SQ2a=(2,3) or (SQ2=4 and SQ3=(2,4))

Does your organisation currently carry out person-centred fire safety risk assessments for residents in specialised housing or similar premises?

Single Code Code
Yes – for all residents regardless of perceived risk 1
Yes – for all residents identified as being at increased risk in specialised housing 2
Yes – for the majority of residents identified as being at increased risk in specialised housing 3
Yes – for some residents identified as being at increased risk in specialised housing 4
No – for none of the residents in specialised housing 5
Unsure [Exclusive] 6

Ask if Q44 = (1,2,3,4)

Which of the following statements best describes your organisation's practice on undertaking person-centred fire safety risk assessments. Did your organisation carry out person-centred fire safety risk assessments before or after the new guidance was published?

Single Code Code
We started carrying out person-centred fire safety risk assessments prior to the publication of the Scottish Government guidance in 2020 1
We started carrying out person-centred fire safety risk assessments following the publication of the Scottish Government guidance in 2020 2
Unsure [Exclusive] 3

Ask if Q44 = (1,2,3,4)

Which of the following statements best describes what prompted you/ your organisation to carry out person-centred fire safety risk assessments? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Carried out as part of care plans, welfare assessments 1
Prompted by the publication of the Scottish Government guidance 2
Prompted by a fire within one of our buildings 3
On the advice of the SFRS 4
Other reason (please specify) [Fixed] 5
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 6

Ask if Q44 = (1,2,3,4)

Who carries out the person-centred fire safety risk assessments? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
An external assessor who is 3rd party certified or registered with a professional body appointed by my organisation 1
A welfare officer, carer (or similar) employed by my organisation 2
A housing officer (or similar) employed by my organisation 3
External care provider who delivers the care package to the resident 4
Relatives or friends of the residents 5
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 6
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 7

Ask if Q27=1 or Q28=1

Have you read through the person-centred risk assessment template in the fire safety guidance for specialised housing?

Yes 1
No 2
Unsure 3

Ask if Q48 = 1

Have you used the person-centred risk assessment template in any way within your organisation?

Multi-Code Code
Yes - we have used the person-centred fire safety risk assessment template provided in the Guidance to conduct risk assessments 1
Yes - we have used the template to adapt or update our existing risk assessment / care plan approach 2
Yes - we have used the template as a basis to create a risk assessment approach for our organisation 3
Yes - used in another way (please specify) 4
No – we use a different template 5
No – but we do have PEEPs in place 6
No – we do not have PEEPs or use a person-centred fire safety risk assessment template 7
Unsure [Exclusive] 8

Ask if Q49 = (1~4)

Overall, how useful has the person-centred fire safety risk assessment template been to your organisation?

Very useful 1
Quite useful 2
Not very useful 3
Not at all useful 4
Unsure 5

Specialised Housing: Guidance

Ask if Q32 = 2 (not used the guidance)

What are the reasons that you have not used the guidance so far? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Have not had time to read it yet 1
Not had time to put the guidance into practice yet 2
Do not have the staff resource available to undertake the person-centred risk assessments 3
We already have robust fire safety measures, procedures and policies in place 4
We have been focussed on dealing with coronavirus pandemic for the last year 5
The guidance is not relevant to my organisation 6
The guidance is not clear or easy to follow 7
Senior management don't see it as a priority at the current time 8
Do not have the financial resources to implement actions that might be identified from the risk assessments 9
Unclear who is responsible for conducting person-centred risk assessments in low dependency housing (such as retirement housing) 10
Other (please specify) 11
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 12
Not experienced any barriers or problems [Fixed/Exclusive] 13

Ask if Q32 = 2 (those not using guidance)

Do you intend to use the fire safety guidance for specialised housing in the future?

Single Code Code
Yes, definitely 1
Yes, possibly 2
No 3
Unsure 4

Ask if Q52 = 3

Q52a. Why do you not intend to use the fire safety guidance for specialised housing in the future?

Ask if Q32 = 1

Have you experienced any difficulties or barriers in using or implementing the fire safety guidance for specialised housing? Please select all that apply.

Multi-Code / Randomise Code
Finding time to read it 1
Finding time to put the guidance into practice 2
Finding the staff resources to undertake the person-centred risk assessments 3
Organisational focus has been on dealing with coronavirus pandemic for the last year 4
The guidance is not clear or easy to follow 5
Senior management don't see person-centred fire-risk assessment as a priority at the current time – they are just good practice 6
Do not have the financial resources to implement actions that might be identified from the risk assessments 7
Do not have the authority to purchase items/make changes to people homes in response to the risk assessments 8
For low dependency housing: do not have the authority to enter people homes to conduct the risk assessments/ unclear who is responsible for conducting the risk assessments 9
Other (please specify) [Fixed] 10
Unsure [Fixed/Exclusive] 11
Not experienced any barriers or problems [Fixed/Exclusive] 12

Ask if Q27 = (1,2) or Q28 =(1,2) (all aware of guidance) – exclude Q52 = 3 (not using / not intending to use)

Is there anything more that the Scottish Government could do to support you to implement the guidance?

  Premises-based fire safety risk assessment Person-centred fire safety risk assessment Specialised Housing Guidance
Yes 1 1 1
No 2 2 2
Unsure 3 3 3

Ask if Q54a = 1

What further support to implement the premises-based fire safety risk assessment template would be helpful?

Ask if Q54b = 1

What further support to implement the person-centred fire safety risk assessment template would be helpful?

Ask if Q54c = 1

What further support to implement the guidance would be helpful?

Ask if Q27 = 1 or Q28=1 (read guidance), exclude Q52 = 3

Thinking now about the fire safety guidance for specialised housing, how valuable has each of these aspects been or will be for your organisation?

Randomise Statements / Invert Scale Very valuable Quite valuable Not very valuable Not at all valuable Unsure
Premises-based fire safety risk assessment template 1 2 3 4 5
Person-centred fire safety risk assessment template 1 2 3 4 5
Specialised Housing Guidance 1 2 3 4 5

Ask if Q27 = 1 or Q28=1 (read guidance)

Are there any aspects of the fire safety guidance for specialised housing that you would like to see improved?

  Yes No
Premises-based fire safety risk assessment template 1 2
Person-centred fire safety risk assessment template 1 2
Specialised Housing Guidance 1 2

Ask if Q59a = 1

What would you like to see improved in the premises-based fire safety risk assessment template for specialised housing?

Ask if Q59b = 1

What would you like to see improved in the person-centred fire safety risk assessment template for specialised housing?

Ask if Q59c = 1

What would you like to see improved in the fire safety guidance for specialised housing?

Ask if Q27 = 1 or Q28=1

Do you have any final comments about the fire safety guidance for specialised housing?

Ask all

In England and Wales, a dutyholder is legally required to carry out a premises-based fire safety risk assessment of communal areas in domestic premises, such as common stairs and passageways. New legislation is expected to clarify that flat front doors, building structure and external walls should form part of this. Scotland has different fire safety and housing legislation. Although considered good practice, there is no legal requirement to undertake a fire safety risk assessment at present. Occupiers have a legal duty to keep common areas clear of obstructions and combustible items. Common areas and any firefighting facilities provided in them must be maintained in an "efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair".

Do you think it should be a legal requirement in Scotland to carry out a premises-based fire safety risk assessment in domestic premises and to act on its findings, as is the case in England and Wales?

Invert Code
Strongly in favour 1
Somewhat in favour 2
Neutral 3
Somewhat oppose 4
Strongly oppose 5
Don't know 6

Why do you say that?


The final questions are to allow us to classify your organisation for analysis purposes. Your responses to these questions will be combined with responses from other organisations and will not be used to identify any organisation individually. Your responses to this survey are completely confidential.

Ask all

How many full time equivalent employees does your organisation have, including yourself?

Less than 10 employees 1
11 to 50 employees 2
51 to 100 employees 3
101 to 250 employees 4
251 to 500 employees 5
501 to 1000 employees 6
>1000 employees 7
Unsure 8

Ask if not a local authority

In which local authority is your organisation's main location or head office?

Aberdeen City 1
Aberdeenshire 2
Angus 3
Argyll & Bute 4
Clackmannanshire 5
Dumfries & Galloway 6
Dundee City 7
East Ayrshire 8
East Dunbartonshire 9
East Lothian 10
East Renfrewshire 11
Edinburgh City 12
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles ) 13
Falkirk 14
Fife 15
Glasgow City 16
Highland 17
Inverclyde 18
Midlothian 19
Moray 20
North Ayrshire 21
North Lanarkshire 22
Orkney Islands 23
Perth & Kinross 24
Renfrewshire 25
Scottish Borders 26
Shetland Islands 27
South Ayrshire 28
South Lanarkshire 29
Stirling 30
West Dunbartonshire 31
West Lothian 32
Unsure 33

Ask all

We would like to conduct some further telephone/Zoom interviews to explore in more detail how people are using the guidance, what the barriers to using it are, and how it could be improved. Would you be willing to take part in further research on the guidance?

Yes 1
No 2

Ask if Q70 = 1

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You have the right to access the information you have provided in this survey, and to withdraw consent to process this information after taking part. We will only hold your personal details for a limited time, until May 2021. Click here [Add Link] for details of how to withdraw consent.

Please now press the Submit button to register your responses.

Please Update Or Delete This Page As Required

This version ISBN 00123456789XX is current as at 01-03-2015

Revisions Table

  Date Changes
First Published 1.0 01/01/2012 Update 1.0
Revision 1.1 15/08/2012 Update 1.1
Revision 1.2 01/12/2012 Update 1.2
Revision 2.0 18/05/2013 Update 1.3
2nd Edition 2.0 03/03/2015 Update 2.0

Updates Page

  Date Updates
Update 1.0 01/01/2012 First Published 1.0
Update 1.1 15/08/2012 Revision 1.1
Update 1.2 01/12/2012 Revision 1.2
Update 1.3 18/05/2013 Revision 1.3
Update 2.0 03/03/2015 2nd Edition 2.0

Revisions Detail:

Appendix 1.0

First Published 01/01/2012

Update 1.1

Revision 1.1 15/08/2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut

Update 1.2

Revision 1.2 01/12/2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut

Update 2.0

A new edition was published on 03/03/2015 ISBN 00123456789XX

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this <statistical bulletin / social research publication>:

☐ are available in more detail through Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics

☐ are available via an alternative route <specify or delete this text>

☐ may be made available on request, subject to consideration of legal and ethical factors. Please contact <email address> for further information.

☐ cannot be made available by Scottish Government for further analysis as Scottish Government is not the data controller.



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