Deposit Return Scheme – gateway review: report – June 2021

This is an evidence-based snapshot of the status of the Deposit and Return Scheme (DRS) for Scotland programme carried out by an independent review team on 14-16 June 2021. It was performed as part of the Scottish Government’s review into the implementation timetable for DRS.

6.0 Previous Gateway Review Recommendations

6.1.1 A summary of recommendations, progress and status from the previous Gateway Review can be found at Annex D. The Progress/Status comments were compiled with the assistance of the Programme Team. Of the 9 previous recommendations, 2 remain open.

6.1.2 The previous Review recommendation 4, recommended that the Programme establish success criteria for DRS go-live. The Review Team consider that this recommendation remains open and that its value and intent remain valid. At the earliest opportunity, the Programme Team should continue to pursue definition of go-live critical success criteria with the SA.

6.1.3 The previous Review recommendation 8 recommended that the Programme Team should revisit the current Benefits Realisation Plan and re-assess their deliverability through the proposed SA arrangements. The Programme Board approved a benefits realisation strategy and associated plan at its Feb 20 meeting. Now that an SA is in place further work is required, collaborating with the SA, to baseline and track Programme benefits.



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