Deposit Return Scheme – gateway review: report – June 2021

This is an evidence-based snapshot of the status of the Deposit and Return Scheme (DRS) for Scotland programme carried out by an independent review team on 14-16 June 2021. It was performed as part of the Scottish Government’s review into the implementation timetable for DRS.

1.0 Gateway Review Conclusion

Delivery Confidence Assessment:


The Review Team conclude that the July 2022 'go-live' target for the DRS

Programme is not achievable; consequently, a RED delivery confidence has been given.

Urgent action is required to establish an Action Plan to address the recommendations in this report and most importantly to identify the components and schedule of a critical path to successful delivery; this would generate a prompt improvement in delivery confidence. The risk to delivery and reputation must be carefully considered alongside the consequences of decisions on schedules and delivery scope.

In addition, the Review Team have made recommendations to adjust the Programme organisational structures, information and communications paths now that the Programme is in the implementation phase.

The Delivery Confidence Assessment RAG status should use the definitions below.

RAG Criteria Description


Successful delivery of the programme to time, cost and quality appears highly likely and there are no major outstanding issues that at this stage appear to threaten delivery.


Successful delivery of the programme to time, cost and quality appears highly likely and there are no major outstanding issues that at this stage appear to threaten delivery.


Successful delivery appears feasible but significant issues already exist requiring management attention. These appear resolvable at this stage and, if addressed promptly, should not present a cost/schedule overrun.


Successful delivery of the programme is in doubt with major risks or issues apparent in a number of key areas. Urgent action is needed to ensure these are addressed, and establish whether resolution is feasible.


Successful delivery of the programme appears to be unachievable. There are major issues which, at this stage, do not appear to be manageable or resolvable. The programme/project may need re-base lining and/or overall viability reassessed.

Summary of Report Recommendations

A summary of the report recommendations are as follows:-

Ref. No. Report Section Recommendation Status (C.E.R.) Aligns with SG PPM Principle No
1. 5.1.3 It is recommended that that the Programme Team take urgent action to draw this decision to a definitive conclusion and communicate this clarification to all stakeholders. C 9
2. 5.1.4 It is recommended that the Programme Team take prompt action to develop and resolve the practical issues for delivering an effective deposit return solution for online sales and agree this at Programme Board (this will require the collaboration with CSL to develop potential solutions). C 9
3. 5.2.5 It is recommended that the SRO brings together key stakeholders to analyse and agree a critical path (and keep this updated) for delivering a viable product by the agreed start date. C 6
4. 5.2.6 It is recommended that the Programme Team explore and document the options for the most suitable delivery approach and agree this at Programme Board. E 6
5. 5.2.7 It is recommended that in collaboration with SEPA, the Programme Team examine registration system options and present these to the Programme Board for a decision on the preferred option, at the earliest opportunity. C 6
6. 5.3.2 It is recommended that the SRO review the governance structure for DRS preparation and implementation to ensure appropriate representation, input, assurance and oversight for all stakeholders. C 3
7. 5.3.3 It is recommended that the Programme Board establish a cross-party forum that enables stakeholders to share best practice relevant to DRS and support the adoption of a unified approach. C 8
8. 5.3.3 It is recommended that the Programme Board cooperate with CSL to create a CSL centric stakeholder communications strategy to inform key operational groups on progress made. E 8
9. 5.3.4 It is recommended that the SRO establish an assurance regime for both pre and post 'go-live' environments, that align with key milestones and provide an appropriate level of detail for assurance. C 5

Each recommendation has been given Critical, Essential or Recommended status. The definition of each status is as follows:

Critical (Do Now) – To increase the likelihood of a successful outcome it is of the greatest importance that the programme should take action immediately.

Essential (Do By) – To increase the likelihood of a successful outcome the programme should take action in the near future.

Recommended – The programme should benefit from the uptake of this recommendation.

Each recommendation has been aligned with one of the SG's PPM Principles.

Annex A lists the principles.

ACTION PLAN - You must within three weeks of the final report provide your intended actions for addressing each recommendation. You should then share it with the relevant SG`s Accountable Officer and copy it to the SG`s Programme and Project Management Centre of Expertise (PPM-CoE). Thereafter, you are responsible for implementing the actions in response to the recommendations. If the review has identified serious deficiencies or difficulties (including probable failure to meet the planned budget) within the project the Accountable Officer should inform the relevant Minister/s.



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