Demand optimisation in laboratory medicine: phase two report

Phase two activity report produced by the Scottish National Demand Optimisation Group (NDOG).

7 Conclusions

Demand Optimisation is crucial in maximising lab test use that in turn drives efficiencies, makes best use of scarce resource and benefits patient care and outcomes.

National oversight and drive from the NDOG has been important in facilitating cross Board and discipline work in this area. This has been recognised nationally with the funding of phase III.

The Atlas of Variation has been welcomed universally and displays huge potential for identifying unwarranted variation that will facilitate interventions to drive optimal testing across NHS Scotland.

Many Quality Improvement activities continue to be evident across NHS Scotland related to good laboratory practice and integration with clinical pathways. These are well suited for national consideration and roll out. Many limitations however, especially around IT functionality and standardisation issues, continue to affect optimal implementation of demand optimisation activity. It remains important that the NDOG continues to engage fully with development taking place in these areas.



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