
Health and social care - data strategy: consultation

We are gathering views on how data should be used and managed, across health and social care. These views will help shape the development of Scotland’s first data strategy for health and social care.

4. The Vision and Ambitions

We have committed to a Data Strategy for health and social care that will include detailed consideration of how to increase peoples' trust and transparency in data sharing. It will also examine how to unlock the value of health and social care data as well as how the tricky challenges around safeguarding our data can be addressed. It will take into consideration ethics, standards, relationships with industry and legislative requirements throughout the Strategy development.

Our current working vision for the Strategy is:

  • To improve the health and wellbeing of the Scottish population through innovative, collaborative, and ethical use of data.

To help us achieve our vision we have three ambitions:

  • For the people of Scotland: Empower individuals to have greater access to, and greater control over, their own health and social care data.
  • For those delivering health and social care services: Empowering the people who deliver health and social care services by giving them the confidence and ability to securely access, gather and share relevant information to make timely decisions and deliver better outcomes.
  • For innovators, industry, and researchers: Ensure use of high-quality data to drive the development of new and improved, treatments, technologies, and ways of working for public benefit.



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