Young People in Scotland Survey 2019 - course choice in senior phase: report

A report on the findings from the Young People in Scotland survey that focuses on course choice in the senior phase.


1. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland in a consistent way. It ranks small areas (data zones) from most deprived to least deprived. SIMD quintiles are bands containing 20% of data zones, from most deprived (SIMD1) to least deprived (SIMD5).

2. Percentage responses within a stage may exceed 100%, as pupils could choose up to three options.

3. Percentage responses within a stage may exceed 100%, as pupils could choose up to three options.

4. Gender categories include 'male', 'female', 'in another way' and 'prefer not to say'. The number of responses from 'in another way' and 'prefer not to say' are very low, these are presented in the data tables in the Annex and are subject to disclosure control.



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