Coronavirus (COVID-19): understanding inequalities in wellbeing during the pandemic - report

This report presents findings from qualitative research, carried out in February 2021, that aimed to investigate why the wellbeing of five subgroups in the Scottish population was disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This document is part of a collection


1. Scottish Government (2020), The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020, [online] Available at:

2. Scottish Government (2020), Covid-19: Scotland's Strategic Framework, [online] Available at: Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on wellbeing - research - ( and Scottish Government

3. NRS (2016)

4. Each quotation is followed by an identifier to show the profile of the respondent. Identifiers include information to highlight the key subgroup the respondent is in - gender, age, if employment is at risk, if they are disabled and if they live in an SIMD1 area - alongside additional information which may be relevant or bring further context (e.g. socio-economic group (SEG), 'children at home').

5. Mind (n.d.) Five Ways to Wellbeing [online] Available at:



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