Suicide prevention strategy and action plan drafts: consultation

Consultation on drafts of a new suicide prevention strategy and action plan for Scotland.

Development of the Strategy and Action Plan to Date

Since September 2021 the Scottish Government, COSLA and Public Health Scotland (PHS) have carried out extensive early engagement with key stakeholders, partners, groups and communities across Scotland - participation levels have been extremely high.

By taking a 'multi-stage' approach to engagement at all of the key stages of the Strategy development, we have sought to ensure stakeholders, partners, communities and people with lived experience of suicide, have had their views heard in a meaningful way. Hearing these views throughout the development of the Strategy has supported the drafting of the Strategy and Action Plan, which means that people across the country have helped to co-develop the vision, principles, priorities and outcomes of the Strategy and the focus of the Action Plan.

A report on analysis of early engagement activity is available via the Scottish Government website at the following link: Suicide prevention Strategy development: early engagement - summary report.

We have also engaged proactively with key sectors and partners who we feel can play a key role in preventing suicide, within and beyond the health and social care sector.

In helping us develop the draft Strategy and Action Plan, we have also considered established international evidence on suicide prevention, such as guidance from the World Health Organisation.



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