New national public health body 'Public Health Scotland': consultation

This consultation document invites views on the proposals for a new national public health body in Scotland, to be known as ‘Public Health Scotland’.

Chapter 10: Transition Arrangements – From existing structures to the new model

Supporting the transition

1. It will be important to ensure a successful transition from the current structures to the new model for public health in Scotland. The Scottish Government and COSLA are committed to ensuring the shift is as smooth as possible for all partners.

2. In recognition of this, COSLA will play a key role alongside Scottish Government officials in raising awareness of the reform programme and the aims and functions of Public Health Scotland.

The transition process

3. The transition arrangements and awareness-raising process will continue until the full implementation process for the new arrangements has been completed.

4. Dates for the transition are indicative and will be driven, in part, by legislative requirements, Parliamentary process and by the readiness of partners to take forward the change agenda.

5. It is proposed that elements of the transition will come into effect at different times throughout the period 2019-20. This will necessitate a degree of flexibility on behalf of all partners and some interim procedures and processes being put into place. It is intended that these procedures and processes will support and enable the smooth transition to take place.

6. It is recognised that there will need to be clear procedures in place for the transition of specific roles and responsibilities from the current structures to the new arrangements. We will consider how the existing governance structures in the three predecessor bodies might be represented in the new body e.g. what Executive leadership roles, committees, assurance information systems and administrative arrangements might be required. Consideration will also be given to the relationship between the new Board and the existing bodies during the transitional period leading up to the new body being established and its predecessor bodies being dissolved. We would envisage that Public Health Scotland will begin to exercise its functions from 1 April 2020.

7. Relevant partnerships and partners will be invited to strengthen local arrangements for the strategic planning and delivery of improvements to, and protection of the public’s health and wellbeing during the financial year 2020-21.

8. The establishment of Public Health Scotland will be guided by the timing of legislation passing through the Parliamentary process.  As noted above, we expect the body to become operational from 1 April 2020. We will establish shadow arrangements to ensure a smooth and time-efficient transition that allows the body to commence its work in April 2020 in alignment with the required elements of legislation being in place.

9. The Public Health Reform Programme has implemented a communication strategy so that relevant delivery partners and stakeholders are kept updated with progress of the transition process.

Question 16: What are your views on the arrangements in support of the transition process? 



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