School estates: condition reporting core facts

Guidance for local authorities reporting on the condition of school estates.

Appendix 2: Sample Prioritisation Matrix for Risk Assessment

The following is an extract from The City of Edinburgh Council Condition and Maintenance Strategy (March 16)

Proposed Asset Condition Surveys Risk Assessment Methodology (for existing operational assets)

The Council currently operates a system whereby each defined element of a building is allocated a condition rating of A-D. This same rating system is then used to determine the overall condition of the building. This is in line with guidance contained within the document ‘The Condition Core Fact’.

Condition Rating Description
A Good - Performing well and operating effectively.
B Satisfactory - Performing adequately but showing minor deterioration.
C Poor - Showing major defects and/or not operating adequately; and
D Bad - Economic life expired and/or risk of failure

The Council currently select from a number of priority ratings when deciding upon the nature and urgency of the works required. These ratings are generally based on the type of work required and indicative timescales.

Priority Rating Description
1 Must Do (immediate) - to address essential H&S/ comply with law/avoid service disruption
2 Should Do (within years 1 and 2) - to achieve/ maintain basic standards
3 Would Do (within years 3 to 5) - desirable works If affordable

The condition and priority information subsequently feeds into an overarching prioritisation matrix that helps to inform strategic asset management decisions. This matrix is provided below:

condition and priority information matrix

The priority of the buildings takes into account the current status of the subject buildings, including the anticipated occupancy levels and whether the buildings are expected to be retained and maintained or disposed of (range BP1 to BP6 above).


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