Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill: data protection impact assessment

Data protection impact assessment for the Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill

Annex A: Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill: Overview of proposals

  • A requirement on OSCR to publish the statements of account for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register (section 9)
  • Requirements on OSCR to include charity trustee names in the Scottish Charity Register, to keep an internal schedule of charity trustees' details and to create a publicly searchable record of removed charity trustees (sections 2, 3 and 7)
  • Updating the criteria for the automatic disqualification of charity trustees and extending it to individuals with senior management positions in charities (sections 4 to 6)
  • Providing OSCR with a new power to issue positive directions to charities (section 15)
  • Removal from the Scottish Charity Register of unresponsive charities that fail to submit statements of account (section 11)
  • A requirement for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register to have and retain a connection to Scotland (section 16)
  • A power for OSCR to conduct inquiries into former charities and their charity trustees etc. (section 13)
  • A requirement for de-registered charities' assets to continue to be used to provide public benefit (schedule, paragraph 7)
  • Clarification of existing provision, to improve speed and efficiency regarding OSCR's powers to gather information for inquiries (section 14)
  • The creation of a record of charity mergers and provision for the transfer of legacies (section 12)
  • Providing OSCR with a power to appoint interim trustees (section 8)
  • List of minor or technical amendments to the 2005 Act (schedule)



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