Cereal and oilseed rape harvest: Methodology
Methodology of the Scottish cereal and oilseed rape harvest estimates
Accessibility and clarity
Accessibility and clarity are about:
- the presentation of statistics in a clear and understandable form
- the release of statistics in a suitable and convenient manner
- availability and accessibility on an impartial basis with
- availability and accessibility of supporting metadata and guidance
These statistics are made available online at Gov.Scot in accessible format (html). The collection of cereal statistics published by the Scottish Government, including archived publications are available at:
Cereal and oilseed rape harvest statistical releases (Scotland)
Data tables are made available in excel with each release to allow users to carry out further analysis. Farm-level datasets may be made available to recognised research organisations for research purposes agreed with the Scottish Government with appropriate security and disclosure control in place.
Methodological information and specific quality issues are included on these pages and linked to from all National Statistics outputs containing cereal production estimates. Metadata appropriate for users to consider comparability of statistics over time is included with all data releases, for example as notes on tables. This metadata is regularly reviewed and updated as necessary with each publication or more frequently as needed.
UK Agriculture Statistics which include these figures and methodological information relating to UK statistics are available at:
Crops - agricultural land use, crop areas, yields and production (England and the United Kingdom)
We aim to use modern and accessible means of dissemination and communication of statistics and are committed to continual improvement. More information about general accessibility is available at:
Email: agric.stats@gov.scot
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