Cabinet sub-committees: factsheet

Information about the role and membership of Scottish Cabinet sub-committees.

The Cabinet is the main decision-making body of the Scottish Government. Collective Ministerial discussions can take place below the level of the Cabinet. Cabinet may decide to establish a Cabinet sub-committee (CSC) where a particular issue will require two or more Ministers and their officials to work together over a period, or where a matter falling within the portfolio of one Minister needs to be considered collectively. 

CSCs have full delegated decision-making powers as conferred by Cabinet, in line with the provisions of the Scottish Ministerial Code.   

Ministers who are not formal members of a CSC may, on occasion, be invited to attend meetings according to the agenda. 

The membership of the Cabinet sub-committees set out on this page will be updated to reflect the new Ministerial team appointed by the First Minister.

There are five Cabinet sub-committees, information on these is set out below.

Cabinet sub-committee on Legislation


  • Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic (Chair)
  • Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government
  • Minister for Parliamentary Business  
  • Lord Advocate   

Purpose: Has delegated authority from Cabinet to take decisions on legislative matters which do not require full Cabinet clearance. For example:

  • approval of the provisional annual legislative programme
  • approval of the final policy content for Scottish Government Bills (unless the subject matter requires a full Cabinet discussion)
  • agreement to consultations which might result in the requirement for primary legislation
  • approval of the Scottish Government position in relation to UK Government Bills which trigger the requirement for a Legislative Consent Memorandum

Schedule: Meets as necessary.

Cabinet sub-committee on Local Government New Deal


  • Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance (Chair) 
  • Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy  
  • Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning  
  • Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance  
  • Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport  

Purpose: To support ongoing Cabinet scrutiny on policy direction and oversight of engagement with COSLA in order to achieve Cabinet’s vision of an improved relationship between SG and LG. Ensure cross government agreement to the development and design of policy matters.
Schedule: Typically meets bi-monthly when Parliament is sitting.

Cabinet sub-committee on the Climate Emergency


  • Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy (Chair)  
  • Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic
  • Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Transport  
  • Minister for Climate Action
  • Minister for Public Finance

Purpose: To provide cross-Government leadership and coordination of efforts to tackle climate change.
Schedule: Meets as required when Parliament is sitting.

Cabinet sub-committee on the National Care Service


  • Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance (Chair) 
  • Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs  
  • Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy  
  • Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees 
  • Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport  
  • Minister for Public Health and Women's Health  
  • Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise 
  • Minister for Energy, Just Transition and Fair Work
  • Lord Advocate  

Purpose: To ensure cross government agreement to the development and design of policy matters related to the NCS.
Schedule: Typically meets monthly when Parliament is sitting.

Cabinet sub-committee on The Promise


  • First Minister (Chair) 
  • Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs  
  • Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise  
  • Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport 
  • Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance 
  • Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy  

Purpose: To explore in greater detail progress on keeping the Promise and decision making on key issues during the life of the programme.
Schedule: Typically meets quarterly when Parliament is sitting.

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