
Businesses in Scotland: 2022

Information on the number of businesses (also known as enterprises) operating in Scotland.

Ownership (registered businesses only)

This publication classifies registered private sector businesses according to ownership. They can be either ‘UK owned - Scotland based’, ‘UK owned - Rest of the UK (RUK) based’ or ‘Abroad-owned’.

Businesses with their ultimate base outside Scotland are either RUK based or Abroad-owned. As at March 2022, these businesses represented 3.3% of businesses. They also accounted for 35.6% of employment and 55.1% of turnover.

Between March 2021 and March 2022, the number of Abroad-owned businesses increased from 3,090 to 3,155. This meant that Abroad-owned businesses operating in Scotland again outnumbered RUK based businesses (Chart 5). There were 2,645 RUK based businesses as at March 2022. Abroad-owned businesses also provided more Scottish jobs than RUK based businesses.

Chart 5: Private sector jobs in Scotland, by business ownership, 2010 to 2022

As stated before, 35.6% of private sector employment was in businesses with their ultimate base outside Scotland. We can break this down further. 16.7% of Scottish private sector employment was in businesses with their ultimate base in the RUK. 18.9% of Scottish private sector employment was in Abroad-owned businesses. The share of employment in Abroad-owned businesses varies by industry sector. For example, 43.2% of ‘Information and communication’ employment was in Abroad-owned businesses. In comparison, 2.5% of ‘Real estate activities’ employment was in Abroad-owned businesses.

Chart 6: Share of employment by ownership and industry sector, as at March 2022

As at March 2022, there were 1,295 EU Abroad-owned businesses operating in Scotland. These businesses employed 130,330 people and generated a turnover of over £32 billion. This was 34.2% of all turnover from Abroad-owned registered businesses in Scotland.

We can also look at individual countries. USA-owned businesses accounted for the highest share of Scotland’s Abroad-owned businesses, employment and turnover. As at March 2022, there were 675 USA-owned businesses operating in Scotland. These businesses employed 100,170 people and generated a turnover of over £32 billion (34.2%).


For enquiries about this publication please contact:

Marina Curran

Business & Innovation Statistics

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser

e-mail: or


For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:

Office of the Chief Statistician

Telephone: 0131 244 0442



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