A blueprint for 2020: the expansion of early learning and childcare (ELC) in Scotland - ELC expansion planning guidance for local authorities

Framework to support local authorities in developing plans for the expansion of early learning and childcare to 1,140 hours by 2020.

Section Six: Key Planning Components

This section sets out a basic structure for the ELC expansion plan (including implementation plan) - authorities are not bound by this structure, but should ensure that all of these elements are included in the content of their plans. The completed plan should be returned to elcdeliverysupport@gov.scot by 29 September 2017.

Key Components





Introduction and Executive Summary

Current Position

Summary of Current Service Delivery

A summary of key data relating to ALL ELC registered supply in the local authority area.

A summary of key data relating to ALL demand ( i.e. current use) in the local area.

A comparison of supply to demand - by local community.

A summary of key data (quality, financial and utilisation) metrics relating to current supply arrangements (local authority and others).

A summary of local parent and community consultation outcomes.

Future Position

Summary of Proposed Changes to Service Design and Local Innovation

Summary of proposed changes to service delivery model (local authority and use of private and third sector providers). Proposals relating to quality, flexibility, affordability (to parent), accessibility, and other relevant changes to process ( e.g. admissions process).

Includes a statement of how population growth/decline has influenced future service design.

Includes a statement regarding the relationship locally between expanded statutory provision and non-statutory provision for 0 to 16 year olds (both pre-school and out of school) emphasising continuity of progression in the child's journey.

Description of changes to enable full use of existing local authority assets (workforce and infrastructure).

Description of changes to maintain and extend use of partner assets (including quality/price/volume/conditionality of service).

Extent to which new

- Workforce to be recruited

- Physical capacity may require to be built/refurbished/sourced.

Implementation Plan

Series of Implementation Elements

1. Quality

2. Phasing and Prioritisation

3. Community Engagement

4. Workforce

5. Funded providers

6. Infrastructure Requirement

7. Financial Projections (5 year projections to 2021-22) including incremental capital and revenue costs of expansion

8. Planning Assumptions including financial assumptions

9. 2017-18 expansion activity, including use of revenue and capital funding allocations

10. Project Management, Change Support & Stakeholder Engagement Plans

Based on the analysis of local data and consideration of the options for service development, an implementation plan covering all relevant areas.

Financial projections will include both revenue and capital projections.


Email: Alison Cumming

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