
Autumn Budget Revision 2023 to 2024: supporting document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2023 Amendment Regulations 2023. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands

Schedule 2.1 Total Changes for the Autumn Budget Revision

Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Total Budget in the Budget Act 1,197.224 29.727 1,226.951
Changes Proposed
Funding Changes -31.000 0.000 -31.000
Technical Adjustments -1.742 1.295 -0.447
Net Whitehall Transfers 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Transfers within Scottish Block -22.085 0.000 -22.085
Total changes proposed -54.827 1.295 -53.532
  1,142.397 31.022 1,173.419
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Expenditure Limit:
Agricultural Support and Related Services 734.882 20.000 754.882
Rural Services 54.211 0.000 54.211
Marine Funding 17.100 0.000 17.100
Marine 94.739 8.000 102.739
Islands 8.366 0.000 8.366
Land Reform 14.350 0.000 14.350
Scottish Forestry 99.805 3.022 102.827
Forestry and Land Scotland 18.169 0.000 18.169
Natural Resources and Peatland 14.297 0.000 14.297
Research Analysis and Other Services 86.402 0.000 86.402
Total Expenditure Limit 1,142.321 31.022 1,173.343
UK Funded AME: EU Support and Related Services 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total UK Funded AME 0.000 0.000 0.000
Other Expenditure:
Animal License Fees 0.076 0.000 0.076
Total Other Expenditure 0.076 0.000 0.076
Total Budget 1,142.397 31.022 1,173.419
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 300.000

Schedule 3.1 Agricultural Support & Related Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 752.178 20.000 772.178
Proposed changes -17.296 0.000 -17.296
ABR Proposed Budget 734.882 20.000 754.882
Summary of proposed changes
Release of budget funding for reallocation to support priorities -14.000 0.000 -14.000
Transfer to Environmental Services to support the 2023/24 delivery of the Farming with Nature programme within NatureScot -1.083 0.000 -1.083
Miscellaneous minor transfers -2.213 0.000 -2.213
-17.296 0.000 -17.296
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 734.882 19.100 753.982
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.900 0.900
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
734.882 20.000 754.882
Budget Analysis
CAP Pillar 1 Basic Payments 282.000 0.000 282.000
CAP Pillar 1 Greening Payments 142.000 0.000 142.000
Payments and Inspections Admin costs 114.508 9.500 124.008
Less Favoured Area Support Scheme 65.500 0.000 65.500
CAP Pillar 1 Other Payments 55.007 0.000 55.007
Agricultural Reform Programme 24.200 10.800 35.000
Agri Environmental Measures 29.717 0.000 29.717
Business Development 12.950 0.000 12.950
Agricultural Transformation Fund 5.000 0.000 5.000
Crofting Assistance 2.200 -0.300 1.900
Technical Assistance 1.000 0.000 1.000
Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture 0.700 0.000 0.700
Forestry 0.100 0.000 0.100
Broadband 0.000 0.000 0.000
CAP Compliance Improvements 0.000 0.000 0.000
Convergence Funding 0.000 0.000 0.000
EU Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Expenditure 734.882 20.000 754.882

Schedule 3.2 Rural Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 58.354 0.000 58.354
Proposed Changes -4.143 0.000 -4.143
ABR Proposed Budget 54.211 0.000 54.211
Summary of proposed changes
A resource to capital switch agreed following review of estimated expenditure. Capital budget to be provided at SBR to ensure overall budget maintained. -2.900 0.000 -2.900
Miscellaneous minor transfers -1.243 0.000 -1.243
-4.143 0.000 -4.143
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 54.211 0.000 54.211
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
54.211 0.000 54.211
Budget Analysis
Animal Health 25.572 0.000 25.572
Leader 8.700 0.000 8.700
Food Industry Support 7.463 0.000 7.463
Veterinary Surveillance 4.925 0.000 4.925
Crofting Commission 4.170 0.000 4.170
Agricultural & Horticultural Advice & Support 1.914 0.000 1.914
Rural Cohesion 1.467 0.000 1.467
Net Expenditure 54.211 0.000 54.211

Schedule 3.3 Marine Funding

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 17.100 0.000 17.100
Proposed changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
ABR Proposed Budget 17.100 0.000 17.100
Summary of proposed changes
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 17.100 0.000 17.100
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
17.100 0.000 17.100
Budget Analysis
Fisheries Transition Fund 14.500 0.000 14.500
EU Fisheries Grants 5.200 0.000 5.200
Fisheries Harbour Grants 1.000 0.000 1.000
Marine EU Income -3.600 0.000 -3.600
Net Expenditure 17.100 0.000 17.100

Schedule 3.4 Marine

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 100.656 8.000 108.656
Proposed changes -5.917 0.000 -5.917
ABR Proposed Budget 94.739 8.000 102.739
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Offshore Wind to support the Scottish Marine Energy Research Programme -3.100 0.000 -3.100
Savings from enhanced recruitment controls, maximising income and continuing to deliver operational efficiencies. -2.000 0.000 -2.000
Miscellaneous minor transfers -0.817 0.000 -0.817
-5.917 0.000 -5.917
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 92.539 8.000 100.539
Less: Retained Income 2.200 0.000 2.200
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
94.739 8.000 102.739
Budget Analysis
Marine Scotland 94.739 8.000 102.739
Net Expenditure 94.739 8.000 102.739

Schedule 3.5 Islands Plan

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 8.500 0.000 8.500
Proposed changes -0.134 0.000 -0.134
ABR Proposed Budget 8.366 0.000 8.366
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers -0.134 0.000 -0.134
-0.134 0.000 -0.134
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 8.366 0.000 8.366
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
8.366 0.000 8.366
Budget Analysis
Carbon Neutral Islands 3.000 0.000 3.000
Islands Bonds 0.000 0.000 0.000
Islands Plan 5.366 0.000 5.366
Net Expenditure 8.366 0.000 8.366

Schedule 3.6 Land Reform

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 15.409 0.000 15.409
Proposed changes -1.059 0.000 -1.059
ABR Proposed Budget 14.350 0.000 14.350
Summary of proposed changes
A resource to capital switch agreed following review of estimated expenditure. Overall budget maintained. -0.800 0.000 -0.800
Miscellaneous minor transfers -0.259 0.000 -0.259
-1.059 0.000 -1.059
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 14.350 0.000 14.350
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
14.350 0.000 14.350
Budget Analysis
Land Reform 12.791 0.000 12.791
Scottish Land Commission 1.559 0.000 1.559
Net Expenditure 14.350 0.000 14.350

Schedule 3.7 Scottish Forestry

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 100.633 1.727 102.360
Proposed Changes -0.828 1.295 0.467
ABR Proposed Budget 99.805 3.022 102.827
Summary of proposed changes
Reduced forecasts associated with demand led schemes. -3.000 0.000 -3.000
Transfer from Future Transport Fund to support the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme 2.000 0.000 2.000
Technical Adjustment – IFRS 16 Leases 0.073 1.295 1.368
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.099 0.000 0.099
-0.828 1.295 0.467
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 99.805 3.022 102.827
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
99.805 3.022 102.827
Budget Analysis
Woodland Grants 76.196 0.000 76.196
Programme and Running costs 20.400 1.295 21.695
Forest Research (Cross Border Services) 2.296 1.727 4.023
Depreciation 0.913 0.000 0.913
EC Receipts 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Expenditure 99.805 3.022 102.827

Schedule 3.8 Forestry and Land Scotland

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 23.769 0.000 23.769
Proposed changes -5.600 0.000 -5.600
ABR Proposed Budget 18.169 0.000 18.169
Summary of proposed changes
Utilisation of reserves aligned with multi-year financial planning. -6.000 0.000 -6.000
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.400 0.000 0.400
-5.600 0.000 -5.600
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 18.169 0.000 18.169
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
18.169 0.000 18.169
Budget Analysis
Forestry and Land Scotland Resource 6.569 0.000 6.569
Forestry and Land Scotland Capital 11.600 0.000 11.600
Net Expenditure 18.169 0.000 18.169

Schedule 3.9 Natural Resources and Peatland

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 32.303 0.000 32.303
Proposed changes -18.006 0.000 -18.006
ABR Proposed Budget 14.297 0.000 14.297
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Environmental Services to support peatland restoration work within the National Parks and NatureScot -15.527 0.000 -15.527
Finalisation of annual plans has identified further capitalisation and scope for reduced spend on this programme of activity this financial year. -2.300 0.000 -2.300
Miscellaneous minor transfers -0.179 0.000 -0.179
-18.006 0.000 -18.006
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 12.097 0.000 12.097
Less: Retained Income 2.200 0.000 2.200
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
14.297 0.000 14.297
Budget Analysis
Natural Resources 3.274 0.000 3.274
Peatlands 11.023 0.000 11.023
Net Expenditure 14.297 0.000 14.297

Schedule 3.10 Research, Analysis and Other Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 88.246 0.000 88.246
Proposed Changes -1.844 0.000 -1.844
ABR Proposed Budget 86.402 0.000 86.402
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Environmental Services to support the delivery of the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland within NatureScot -1.800 0.000 -1.800
Misceallenous minor transfers -0.044 0.000 -0.044
-1.844 0.000 -1.844
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 86.402 0.000 86.402
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
86.402 0.000 86.402
Budget Analysis
Programmes of Research 48.772 0.000 48.772
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 30.387 0.000 30.387
Economic and Other Surveys 4.289 0.000 4.289
Strategic Policy, Research and Sponsorship 2.954 0.000 2.954
Net Expenditure 86.402 0.000 86.402



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