
Autumn Budget Revision 2023 to 2024: supporting document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2023 Amendment Regulations 2023. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition

Schedule 2.1 Total Changes for the Autumn Budget Revision

Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Total Budget in the Budget Act 3,731.268 605.567 4,336.835
Changes Proposed
Funding Changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
Technical Adjustments 4.351 0.000 4.351
Net Whitehall Transfers 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Transfers within Scottish Block -7.966 -25.400 -33.366
Total changes proposed -3.615 -25.400 -29.015
  3,727.653 580.167 4,307.820
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Expenditure Limit:
Heat in Buildings/Energy Efficiency 326.170 36.000 362.170
Rail Services 1,431.262 0.000 1,431.262
Concessionary Fares and Bus Services 425.193 0.000 425.193
Active Travel, Low Carbon and Other Transport 316.545 1.150 317.695
Motorways and Trunk Roads 449.505 220.141 669.646
Ferry Services 331.808 110.100 441.908
Air Services 74.477 0.000 74.477
Environmental Services 219.486 0.000 219.486
Climate Change and Land Managers Renewables Fund 55.111 0.000 55.111
Scottish Water -94.977 212.776 117.799
Green Economy 5.070 0.000 5.070
NZJT Central Government Grants to Local Authorities 83.429 0.000 83.429
Total Expenditure Limit 3,623.080 580.167 4,203.247
UK Funded AME: 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total UK Funded AME 0.000 0.000 0.000
Other Expenditure:
Motorways and Trunk Roads PPP/PFI 104.573 0.000 104.573
Total Other Expenditure 104.573 0.000 104.573
Total Budget 3,727.653 580.167 4,307.820
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 600.000

Schedule 3.1 Heat in Buildings/Energy Efficiency

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 347.636 36.000 383.636
Proposed changes -21.466 0.000 -21.466
ABR Proposed Budget 326.170 36.000 362.170
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Housing, More Homes Division to support the installation of zero emission heating systems as part of the Affordable Homes Programme -15.000 0.000 -15.000
Transfer to Local Government for local heat and energy efficiency strategies -2.400 0.000 -2.400
Transfer to Environmental Services, Zero Waste Scotland to support Heat in Buildings activity -1.266 0.000 -1.266
Transfer to Public Information and Engagement for marketing campaign activity to support the Heat in Buildings Programme -1.100 0.000 -1.100
Miscellaneous minor transfers -1.700 0.000 -1.700
-21.466 0.000 -21.466
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 326.170 36.000 362.170
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
326.170 36.000 362.170
Budget Analysis
Heat in Buildings/ Energy Efficiency 326.170 36.000 362.170
Net Expenditure 326.170 36.000 362.170

Schedule 3.2 Rail Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 1,418.262 0.000 1,418.262
Proposed changes 13.000 0.000 13.000
ABR Proposed Budget 1,431.262 0.000 1,431.262
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer from Support for Active Travel for delivery of infrastructure on the Levenmouth Reconnected Rail Project 8.000 0.000 8.000
Technical budget adjustment for sleeper service 5.000 0.000 5.000
13.000 0.000 13.000
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 1,431.262 0.000 1,431.262
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
1,431.262 0.000 1,431.262
Budget Analysis
Rail Franchise 828.947 0.000 828.947
Rail Infrastructure 433.500 0.000 433.500
Major Public Transport Projects 168.815 0.000 168.815
Rail Development 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Expenditure 1,431.262 0.000 1,431.262

Schedule 3.3 Concessionary Fares & Bus Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 425.693 0.000 425.693
Proposed changes -0.500 0.000 -0.500
ABR Proposed Budget 425.193 0.000 425.193
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers -0.500 0.000 -0.500
-0.500 0.000 -0.500
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 425.193 0.000 425.193
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
425.193 0.000 425.193
Budget Analysis
Concessionary Fares 359.301 0.000 359.301
Support for Bus Services 62.008 0.000 62.008
Smartcard Programme 3.884 0.000 3.884
Net Expenditure 425.193 0.000 425.193

Schedule 3.4 Active Travel, low Carbon and Other Transport

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 345.184 1.150 346.334
Proposed changes -28.639 0.000 -28.639
ABR Proposed Budget 316.545 1.150 317.695
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Central Government Grants to Local Authorities to support the Cycling, Walking and Safer Routes programme in order to progress and further promote active travel -11.073 0.000 -11.073
Transfer to Rail Services for delivery of active travel infrastructure on the Levenmouth Reconnected Rail Project -8.000 0.000 -8.000
Transfer to Health and Social Care to support fleet decarbonisation across all the NHS Boards -3.197 0.000 -3.197
Transfer to Scottish Forestry to support the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme -2.000 0.000 -2.000
Transfer to Culture and Major Events to support the UCI Cycling World Championships -1.000 0.000 -1.000
Technical Adjustment – IFRS 16 Leases -0.437 0.000 -0.437
Miscellaneous minor transfers -2.932 0.000 -2.932
-28.639 0.000 -28.639
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 316.545 1.150 317.695
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
316.545 1.150 317.695
Budget Analysis
Support for Active Travel 144.846 0.000 144.846
Future Transport Fund 92.388 0.000 92.388
Agency Administration Costs 25.382 1.150 26.532
Scottish Canals 23.492 0.000 23.492
Transport Strategy & Innovation 22.507 0.000 22.507
Support for Sustainable Travel 7.001 0.000 7.001
Support for Freight Industry 0.679 0.000 0.679
Edinburgh Tram Enquiry 0.250 0.000 0.250
Strategic Transport Projects Review 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Expenditure 316.545 1.150 317.695

Schedule 3.5 Motorways and Trunk Roads

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 555.228 220.541 775.769
Proposed changes -1.150 -0.400 -1.550
ABR Proposed Budget 554.078 220.141 774.219
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers -1.150 -0.400 -1.550
-1.150 -0.400 -1.550
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 554.078 220.141 774.219
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
554.078 220.141 774.219
Budget Analysis
Roads Depreciation 168.600 0.000 168.600
Capital Land & Works 0.000 121.491 121.491
Routine & Winter Maintenance 115.087 0.000 115.087
Motorway & Trunk Roads PPP/PFI 104.573 0.000 104.573
Structural Repairs 0.000 98.650 98.650
Network Strengthening 80.000 0.000 80.000
Roads Improvements 38.347 0.000 38.347
M&T Other Current Expenditure 23.664 0.000 23.664
Road Safety 15.183 0.000 15.183
Forth & Tay Bridge Authorities 8.142 0.000 8.142
Transport Information 0.482 0.000 0.482
Queensferry Crossing 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Expenditure 554.078 220.141 774.219

Schedule 3.6 Ferry Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 329.870 110.100 439.970
Proposed changes 1.938 0.000 1.938
ABR Proposed Budget 331.808 110.100 441.908
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers 1.938 0.000 1.938
1.938 0.000 1.938
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 331.808 110.100 441.908
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
331.808 110.100 441.908
Budget Analysis
Support for Ferry Services 252.908 0.000 252.908
Vessels and Piers 78.900 110.100 189.000
Net Expenditure 331.808 110.100 441.908

Schedule 3.7 Air Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 73.977 0.000 73.977
Proposed changes 0.500 0.000 0.500
ABR Proposed Budget 74.477 0.000 74.477
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.500 0.000 0.500
0.500 0.000 0.500
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 74.477 0.000 74.477
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
74.477 0.000 74.477
Budget Analysis
Highlands & Islands Airports Limited 59.487 0.000 59.487
Support for Air Services 14.990 0.000 14.990
Support for Prestwick Airport 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Expenditure 74.477 0.000 74.477

Schedule 3.8 Environmental Services

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 209.626 0.000 209.626
Proposed changes 9.860 0.000 9.860
ABR Proposed Budget 219.486 0.000 219.486
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Local Government to fund nature restoration and regeneration projects. -10.000 0.000 -10.000
Transfer from Natural Resources and Peatland to support peatland restoration work within the National Parks and NatureScot 15.527 0.000 15.527
Transfer from Research Analysis and Other Services to support the delivery of the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland within NatureScot 1.800 0.000 1.800
Transfer from Heat in Buildings to support Zero Waste Scotland with Heat in Buildings programme activity 1.266 0.000 1.266
Transfer from Agricultural Support and Related Services to support the 2023/24 delivery of the Farming with Nature programme within NatureScot 1.083 0.000 1.083
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.184 0.000 0.184
9.860 0.000 9.860
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 219.486 0.000 219.486
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
219.486 0.000 219.486
Budget Analysis
NatureScot (SNH) 77.576 0.000 77.576
Zero Waste 47.856 0.000 47.856
Scottish Environment Protection Agency 46.366 0.000 46.366
National Parks 25.395 0.000 25.395
Nature Restoration 13.283 0.000 13.283
Environmental Quality 9.010 0.000 9.010
Net Expenditure 219.486 0.000 219.486

Schedule 3.9 Climate Change and Land Managers Renewables Fund

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 56.363 25.000 81.363
Proposed Changes -1.252 -25.000 -26.252
ABR Proposed Budget 55.111 0.000 55.111
Summary of proposed changes
Funding for the Scottish National Investment Bank to support the Just Transition Fund 0.000 -25.000 -25.000
Funding for Communication and Ministerial Support to support marketing in relation to domestic climate change activity -1.000 0.000 -1.000
Miscellaneous minor transfers -0.252 0.000 -0.252
-1.252 -25.000 -26.252
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 55.111 0.000 55.111
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
55.111 0.000 55.111
Budget Analysis
Climate Change - Policy Development & Implementation 1.698 0.000 1.698
Climate Change and Just Transition Fund 53.213 0.000 53.213
Land Managers Renewables Fund 0.200 0.000 0.200
Net Expenditure 55.111 0.000 55.111

Schedule 3.10 Scottish Water

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget -94.095 212.776 118.681
Proposed changes -0.882 0.000 -0.882
ABR Proposed Budget -94.977 212.776 117.799
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers -0.882 0.000 -0.882
-0.882 0.000 -0.882
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure -94.977 212.776 117.799
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
-94.977 212.776 117.799
Budget Analysis
Drinking Water Quality Regulator 0.296 0.000 0.296
Hydro Nation 2.940 0.000 2.940
Interest on Voted Loans -105.000 0.000 -105.000
Private Water 6.787 0.000 6.787
Voted Loans 0.000 212.776 212.776
Net Expenditure -94.977 212.776 117.799

Schedule 3.11 Green Economy

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 5.070 0.000 5.070
Proposed changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
ABR Proposed Budget 5.070 0.000 5.070
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 5.070 0.000 5.070
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
5.070 0.000 5.070
Budget Analysis
Green Economy 5.070 0.000 5.070
Net Expenditure 5.070 0.000 5.070

Schedule 3.12 NZJT Central Government Grants to Local Authorities

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 58.454 0.000 58.454
Proposed changes 24.975 0.000 24.975
ABR Proposed Budget 83.429 0.000 83.429
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer from Local Government to fund grant payments to local authorities for the provision of inter-island ferry services 13.902 0.000 13.902
Transfer from Active Travel Low Carbon and Other Transport Policy to fund local authorities support for the Cycling, Walking and Safer Routes programme in order to progress and further promote active travel. 11.073 0.000 11.073
24.975 0.000 24.975
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 83.429 0.000 83.429
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
83.429 0.000 83.429
Budget Analysis
Cycling, Walking & Safer Routes 35.000 0.000 35.000
Heat Networks Early Adopters Challenge Fund 0.000 0.000 0.000
Regional Transport Partnership 15.327 0.000 15.327
Support for Inter-Island Ferries 33.102 0.000 33.102
Net Expenditure 83.429 0.000 83.429



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