National Performance Framework - disability perspective: analysis

Analysis which compares the outcomes and experiences of disabled people to those of non-disabled people using indicators drawn from Scotland’s National Performance Framework (NPF).

4. Economy

National Outcome: We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy

There are 10 NPF indicators in the economy domain. However, they are largely not amenable to individual level analysis and therefore cannot be analysed at the level of individual characteristics. One dimension that can be analysed individually is Entrepreneurial Activity, however there is currently limited data on the number of disabled entrepreneurs. Updated data is, however, available for an additional indicator:

Managers and Board Members in Social Enterprises (Pre COVID-19 Data)

In 2019 there was an under representation of disabled people and people with a long-term health condition on the boards of Social Enterprises. Just over one in ten (11%) of trustees/board members were disabled or had a long-term health condition.[27] Only 16% of CEOs or equivalent were disabled or had a long-term health condition, and only 55% of social enterprises employed someone who was disabled or who had a long-term health condition.[28]



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