
Violence against women and girls funding review: analysis of responses

Analysis of the responses to the Strategic Review of Funding and Commissioning of Violence Against Women and Girls Services call for evidence.


Responses and respondents

The call for evidence received 475 total responses for at least one question, of which 393 responses were submitted by individuals and 82 by organisations. Among the responses received from organisations, 47 were from third sector organisations, 8 from local authorities/government, 4 from NHS Scotland and 23 from other types of organisations (partnerships and other types not specified).

Among all responses, 199 were identified as substantive and 276 responses as potentially driven by the campaign, including both standard (13 responses) and non-standard campaign responses (263 responses). Substantive responses were received by 120 individuals (60%) and 79 organisations (40%). Campaign responses were largely submitted by individuals (99%) while only 3 organisations responded to this call for evidence by including campaign text in their answer.

The sections below present the results of the analysis of 355 responses to open-ended questions and 475 closed-ended responses. The key themes identified from the qualitative analysis are presented in order of how often they were raised by respondents. When interpreting the results, it should be taken into account that the responses to the call for evidence from individuals and organisations are not representative of the whole population of the country. Respondents who have a keen interest in the topic and have capacity to respond are more likely to take part.



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