Adults with Incapacity Amendment Act: consultation analysis summary

Summary of the analysis of responses to the consultation on proposals to amend the Adults With Incapacity Act 2000.

2. Summary of Responses

162 responses were received in total. All responses that the Scottish Government has authority to publish will be published alongside this document.

A team within the Scottish Government read and analysed every response. We are very grateful to those who took the time to respond. On average 64 of the 116 questions within the consultation were answered by respondents. Over and above this we took account of views expressed by those who had written in separately and who had responded to the easy read version of the consultation.

In brief, the majority of responses were broadly in favour of the proposals for reform contained within the legislation, with exceptions around the proposals for changes to investigations.

However, this has to be heavily caveated with significant concerns about the ability to resource AWI practice at present, which is compounded by the additional steps and safeguards recommended in the consultation. Many responses simply asked how the changes will be resourced.

A number of respondents felt unable to answer the questions as they needed more detail around the proposals.

Of note, however, is the fact that the vast majority of responses highlighted at different points in the consultation the need for increased awareness and availability of independent advocacy.

The issues raised in response to each chapter of the consultation are considered in the remainder of this report.



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