
Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - update

An updated Additional Support for Learning (ASL) action plan, setting out the progress made since November 2022, to deliver against the recommendations made by the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Theme 5: Workforce Development and Support

Completed Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action
5.1 Teacher Education and Development 5.1.2 All teachers understand what additional support needs are. They are clear about their role in supporting the identification of additional support needs and the need to adapt their teaching to ensure a meaningful learning experience for all their learners. Complete
5.1.4 Practice learning and development at local level must include where and how to access specialist expertise and support. Complete
5.1.6 Parity of career progression and pathway structures and opportunities for specialist teachers of ASL: • There should be a first teaching qualification in ASN available at Initial Teacher Education; • The career path proposal under consideration by the SNCT to develop new career pathways should have an additional strand for ASL. Complete
5.2 Pupil Support Assistants 5.2.1 The Classroom Support Staff working group must, as part of their work, undertake a review of roles and remit of Pupil Support Assistants. This must include the development of clear specifications for how classroom teacher and pupil support assistant roles interact and complement each other. It must also consider standards of practice, learning pathways, career progression routes and remuneration. Complete

Ongoing Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action Progress Update
5.1 Teacher Development 5.1.1 All teachers hold and enact professional values of inclusion and inclusive practice and see this as a core part of their role. Ongoing The Education Scotland Inclusion Wellbeing and Equalities (IWE) Professional Learning Framework is now live and available on the Education Scotland website. IWE Officers continue to deliver sessions through the 4 themes. 1. Inclusion, 2, Relationships, 3 Rights and Equalities, 4. Wellbeing and care. Education Scotland continues to work in collaboration with educators and partners to further develop professional learning resources for inclusion and areas of additional support needs within the IWE PL framework.
5.1.3 All teacher education and development includes nationally specified practice and skill development in supporting learners with ASL needs as a core element. Ongoing See action 5.1.1 progress update
5.1.5 Communication, relationship building and positive mediation skills development are incorporated and embedded into teacher education and development, supported by coaching and mentoring opportunities. Ongoing See action 5.1.1 progress update
5.1.7 The focus and methods for teacher education and practice learning are directly informed and developed by the feedback of teachers. Ongoing On all inspection activity, HM Inspectors examine how well schools and centres meet the needs of children and young people requiring additional support. These inspections are informed by a range of key individuals, including teachers and they also take account of the findings of the Additional Support for Learning Action Plan. HM Inspectors are systematically reviewing their scrutiny frameworks and inspection activities to ensure they align closely with the expectations set out in the ASL Action Plan.
5.1.8 Innovative and partnership approaches to practice learning should be developed including delivery and participation of children and young people, parents and carers. Ongoing ADES alongside Education Scotland continue to work with its members on Collaborative Improvement. All 32 local authorities have worked with this programme to explore the challenges and consider the possible solutions through visits and discussions with colleagues from across Scotland. ADES continues to engage with partners on approaches to self-evaluation and improvement and offer regular opportunities to share and promote ongoing work at the ADES ASN Network. Attainment Advisors and Education Scotland continue to consider how improvement methodologies could be extracted to develop knowledge of improvement methodologies on an ongoing basis



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