
Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - update

An updated Additional Support for Learning (ASL) action plan, setting out the progress made since November 2022, to deliver against the recommendations made by the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Theme 3: Maintaining Focus, but Overcoming Fragmentation

No actions have been completed.

Ongoing Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action Progress Update
3.1 Leadership and Strategic Planning 3.1.1 There must be clear values-driven leadership, shared communication, support and challenge at all levels of the system to ensure that the experiences and achievements of children and young people with additional support needs are visible and continue to be improved. Ongoing See action 1.2.1 progress update Education Scotland are working in collaboration with educators and partners to further develop professional learning resources for inclusion and areas of additional support needs within the Inclusion Wellbeing and Equalities (IWE) Professional Learning Framework to ensure that there is a clear values-driven approach to leadership and communication at all levels of the system. A collaborative strategic working group chaired by NES is focusing on work to maximise efficiency of resource development, access to professional learning opportunities and to minimise duplication across education, health and CLD. Education Scotland continue to work with a sub-group of the ASL Project Board to consider the existing evidence that can be utilised on relationships between parents and professionals. ADES continue to work with the ASN Children and Young People’s Network in order to share and promote practice nationally on the involvement of parents and carers.
3.1.2 In order to drive a holistic approach and support the visibility of children and young people with additional support needs, Council Planning must incorporate the implications of additional support for learning for all Council and Partner services. Ongoing Policy leads are currently exploring how additional information could be gained on ASL provision through the addition of a question to the Children’s Service Planning Questionnaire, which Local Authorities are required to submit to the Scottish Government annually. The Scottish Government receives Childrens Strategic Planning Partnership Annual Reports. Policy leads are considering how the information from these reports could be utilised to inform the work delivered through the ASL Action Plan to highlight how planning incorporates and makes visible the implications for ASL.
3.2 Fully integrated policy making 3.2.1 Children and young people with additional support needs must be proactively and fully considered in policy making and appropriate cross-Government links made at the earliest stage. Ongoing Maintaining the visibility of children and young people with additional support needs through continued co-creation and collaboration with them and their families, is critical to delivering the change we all want to see. ASL Project Board members continue to proactively engage with children and young people when developing policy to achieve this at the earliest stage. Children and young people have worked with Education Scotland to develop BSL case studies on supporting deaf children and young people. The first publication of resources was in May 2024, accessible filmed versions will be available in Autum 2024. The Scottish Government chair the Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group (SAFESG) who continue to explore opportunities for children and young people to participate. The Scottish Government continue to fund the ADES National Education and Transitions Officer (NETO) who works closely with Education Scotland to develop professional learning information and resources which aims to support learners from Armed Forces families (Serving, Reserve and Veteran) and inform and support local authorities with the Armed Forces Covenant legislative duties pertaining to education. The Scottish Government have engaged extensively with a range of stakeholders, including local authorities, COSLA, ADES, the unions, ASLO and pupil support staff themselves. This included a national engagement program, undertaken by Education Scotland. Education Scotland is also engaging with children and young people to better involve their views in key priorities identified in the new, more focused Corporate Plan. During March 2024, Education Scotland engaged with children and young people who require additional support to ensure they can share their views and participate in the proposed development of the national Digital Academy subject and course choices for learners in S3 – S6. Enquire continue to offer their expertise and that of the wider My Rights, My Say service and Children in Scotland family, in listening to the views of children and young people with additional support needs and supporting their engagement and participation. The COSLA Children and Young People Board represents all 32 local authorities and continues to regularly engage with groups representing children and young people, and their parents and carers .
3.2.2 Children and young people and parents and carers must be partners in the development of key policies and guidance across the system. Ongoing See action 3.2.1 progress update



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