Accessible vehicles and equipment: scheme rules

We are looking for additional suppliers to join the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment (AVE) Scheme. This publication sets out the scheme rules and criteria suppliers must meet in order to be successfully accredited as part of the Scheme.

Minimum service requirements

Accredited providers must deliver a service that meets the minimum standards for

  • general service
  • customer service
  • service continuity

General service

Accredited providers must deliver a service that:

  • protects the reputation of the scheme and the Scottish Government
  • ensures the overall integrity of the scheme
  • operates efficiently and cost effectively
  • is accessible to all eligible clients regardless of their circumstances, location or income
  • provides clients with a choice and range of vehicles at no additional cost above their qualifying benefit
  • is in accordance with the Equality Act 2010
  • provides clients with a fully inclusive service in accordance with the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme.

Customer service

Accredited providers must deliver:

  • customer service in accordance with the Equality Act 2010
  • a freephone 24-hour emergency support phone number
  • a choice of accessible telephone and online contact methods
  • a website that complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (
  • a complaints policy published in a range of accessible formats on their website
  • and publish an annual report detailing the number of complaints received, upheld/refused and average time taken to respond and shared bi-annually with Social Security Scotland

Client complaints must be treated as an "expression of dissatisfaction" about either:

  • a service received or not received
  • treatment of the client by the accredited provider

Service continuity

Accredited providers should have measures in place to support clients following a change to or loss of their entitlement to a qualifying form of Disability Assistance. They must

  • ensure the client is promptly notified at least 3 months in advance by the accredited provider that their lease will be coming to an end
  • pro-actively sign-post clients to Social Security Scotland for questions about the decision to stop their benefit where it affects their lease
  • allow clients to retain access to their car, wheelchair accessible vehicle, scooter, powered wheelchair or electric bike for a transitional period of eight weeks (unless in legal detention) following the decision to change or withdraw their entitlement
  • ensure clients are notified 17 days after a suspension to inform them that their vehicle will be recovered
  • recover the vehicle if the client's qualifying benefit is still suspended after 34 days



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