
2014 Consultation on the management of inshore Special Areas of Conservation and Marine Protected Areas - Consultation analysis report

2014 Consultation on the management of inshore Special Areas of Conservation and Marine Protected Areas - Consultation analysis report. Summary of the responses received relating to each site.


1. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

2. Qualifying feature assessment uses habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage

3. Priority Marine Feature and other marine habitat value added assessments used data extracted from Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

4. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

5. Uses additional habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage and Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

6. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

7. using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

8. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

9. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

10. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

11. Qualifying feature assessment uses habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage and Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

12. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

13. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

14. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

15. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

16. Using habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage and Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

17. This figure does not include commercially sensitive catch and release data - see figure A10.3

18. This figure only reflects reef habitat found within the Firth of Lorn SAC.

19. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

20. Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

21. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

22. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

23. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

24. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

25. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

26. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

27. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

28. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

29. Using habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage and Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

30. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

31. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

32. None of these tables contain values relating to the existing Sinclair Bay fisheries management area

33. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

34. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

35. Using habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage and Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

36. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

37. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

38. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

39. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

40. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

41. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

42. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

43. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

44. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

45. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

46. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

47. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

48. Qualifying feature assessment uses habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage

49. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

50. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

51. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

52. Using habitat data provided by Scottish Natural Heritage

53. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

54. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

55. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

56. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

57. This new habitat descriptor represents a merging of the polygons for burrowed mud and sublittoral mud and specific mixed sediment communities.

58. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

59. This new habitat descriptor represents a merging of the polygons for burrowed mud and sublittoral mud and specific mixed sediment communities.

60. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

61. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

62. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

63. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

64. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

65. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

66. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

67. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)

68. All calculations have been done using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and ETRS1989 datum

69. Using Geodatabase for Marine Habitats and Species in Scotland ( GeMS i15)


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