
15-24 Learner Journey Review

Report of the Scottish Government's review of education provision for 15-24 year olds.


1. Scottish Government (2018), ' Initial Destinations of Senior Phase School Leavers'

2. At the programme design stage, to ensure full coverage of the senior phase, the age range was extended to include 15 year olds.

3. Scottish Government (2017), 'Attainment and Leaver publication 1`5/16

4. SQA (December 2017), ' Attainment Statistics (December) 2017'

5. Scottish Government analysis of HESA Student Data

6. Scottish Government (2017), ' Attainment and leaver publication 15/16'

7. Scottish Government analysis of HESA Student Data

8. Scottish Government analysis of HESA Student Data

9. SQA (2017), ' Annual Statistical Report 2016'

10. SFC (2018), ' College Performance Indicators 2016-17'

11. Scottish Government analysis of SFC Articulation data

12. SDS Exploratory Analysis of Outcomes for 2012/13 School Leavers

13. SDS (2016), ' Modern Apprenticeship Intermediate Outcomes 2016'

14. Scottish Government (2017), 'Young People's Experience of Education and Training from 15-24 years'.


16. Education Scotland, (2017),'Quality and improvement in Scottish education 2012-2016,

17. Institute for Public, Policy Research(2106), 'Jobs and Skills in Scotland'.

18. Scottish Government (2017), 'Education Outcomes for Looked After Children, 2016/16'.

19. Scottish Government analysis of HESA Student Data

20. Scottish Government (December 2017) Laying the Foundations for Fair Access: Annual Report 2017 from the Commissioner for Fair Access

21. SFC (February 2016) ' Articulation: mapping of activity and draft vision and 10-year strategy '



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