Right to buy land to further sustainable development (part 5)

This right to buy came into force in April 2020. It allows compliant community groups the opportunity to apply for the right to buy land to further sustainable development and includes salmon fishing, mineral rights and, significantly, this new right to buy allows a community body (which is subject to statutory regulation) to nominate a third party purchaser to take title to the ground being acquired. It should be noted that this latest right to buy is an absolute right to buy, meaning a community organisation may force the sale of land even where the owner of the land is not contemplating a sale.

How to form a community body

Before you submit an application, you must receive a compliance letter from Scottish Ministers confirming that the community body’s governing document is compliant with all of the provisions of the relevant part(s) of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016.

We have produced the following templates and guidance on how to form a community body complaint with the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, and how to apply to register an interest:

We have produced guidance on this right to buy, and associated forms - also see below. However, anyone who is considering submitting an application should contact our Community Land Team in the first instance for further guidance.


The following forms should only be used for groups applying under Part 5 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 the Right to Buy Land to Further Sustainable Development:  


Notification of applications received

The following community bodies have submitted applications under Part 5 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 and views regarding any application listed should be emailed to the crtb@gov.scot mailbox.

Community body name and third party purchaser

Address of land that the application relates to

Date of application

Case reference

Date comments to be received by

North Queensferry Community Trust and Albert Community Group Limited


The Albert Hotel, Main Street, North Queensferry, Inverkeithing, KY11 1JG




Applications and supporting documents can be found on the Register of Applications By Community Bodies to Buy Land.


Email: CRTB@gov.scot

Community Land Team
Q Spur
Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD

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