
What works to prevent youth violence: key findings

Summarises the findings from the What Works to Prevent Youth Violence report.


1. Factors which might facilitate effectiveness or act as a barrier to effectiveness

2. 'Implementation fidelity' is the degree to which an intervention is delivered as intended

3. There are overlaps between youth violence prevention (primary) interventions and those aimed at preventing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). For more information, see the Scottish Government report on What Works to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls. This report on preventing youth violence and the report on preventing VAWG are part of a linked series of reports on violence as part of the Scottish Government's violence research programme.

4. Universal programmes are delivered to all pupils in a year group or school) whilst Targeted programmes are implemented with young people who are considered to be at increased risk of engaging in youth violence.

5. Peer contagion refers to the transmission or transfer of violence-related behaviour from one adolescent to another.



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