Winter Support Fund: summary of local action to tackle financial insecurity 2021-22

This report summarises the activities delivered by local authorities using flexible funding streams on financial insecurity between November 2021 – March 2022, and highlights trends and learning to enhance future policy and practice.

Reporting and practice development approach

Distribution and reporting methods were agreed between the Scottish Government and COSLA. Funding was allocated to local authorities through a redetermination to General Revenue Grant with payments in the final two weeks of the current financial year. It was agreed that light touch monitoring reporting templates would be returned in April 2022 to

Alongside this, officials met with local authority leads to gain a deeper understanding of delivery, as well as providing practical assistance to local partners in problem solving and good practice development. This took the form of semi-structured meetings and ongoing information exchange. This summary has been completed using the monitoring returns provided by 27 of the 32 local authorities.

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