UHI Rural and Islands College merger proposal: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to our consultation which was conducted to canvas views on the proposal to merge Lews Castle College with North Highland College.
4. Overview Of Responses
4.1 Views on college merger (question 1)
- The following themes emerged from those who were supportive of the proposed merger: financial sustainability and resilience; course choice; benefits for students; benefits for rural areas; benefits for the new college; stakeholder relationships; and innovation.
- The following themes emerged from those who were against the proposed merger: a financial decision; concern around individual colleges; challenges of / for rural areas; and communications.
4.2 Views on impact of merger (question 2)
- Those citing a positive impact of the merger on further and higher education provision and delivery in the Highlands and Islands noted: improving courses / wider curriculum offer; benefits for students; benefits for staff; efficiencies and financial sustainability; benefits for the Highlands; green skills; Gaelic education / Gaelic community; and provided some recommendations going forward.
- The following themes emerged from those who felt there would be a negative impact on further and higher education provision and delivery in the Highlands and Islands region: bureaucracy; online delivery; reputation; and employers’ / training needs.
4.3 Views on rationale of merger (question 3)
- 9 respondents strongly agreed with the rationale for the merger as set out for the Board, 5 agreed, 2 disagreed and 3 strongly disagreed. The remaining respondents did not answer the question or did not express a view.
Email: mary.maxwell@gov.scot
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