Just Transition Commission call for evidence: analysis report

Analysis of the responses to the Just Transition Commission's call for evidence.


1. The deadline for submissions was extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic

2. This was in addition to the evidence collected by the Commission through the normal course of its work

3. Just Transition Commission - call for evidence : Published responses

4. Just Transition Commission - call for evidence : Published responses

5. Data cleaning identified 5 pairs of similar responses from the same individuals. Each pair was combined into one response per individual.

6. Two organisations referred to a survey of the oil and gas workforce by Friends of the Earth Scotland and Platform. Interim results suggest that workers are not wedded to their jobs in the oil and gas industry, lack of job security, and are willing to change industries, but must be provided with a safe and viable route out of their current jobs.

7. Energy Action Scotland provided a detailed response around the link between poor housing, health conditions and winter deaths for the Commission to read.

8. Build Back Better UK

9. Just & Green Recovery

10. Sea Change: Climate Emergency, Jobs and Managing the Phase-Out of UK Oil and Gas Extraction

11. Story of the Lucas Plan

12. The Commission has also been provided with a full database of reference material.


Email: justtransitioncommission@gov.scot

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