Just Transition Commission call for evidence: analysis report

Analysis of the responses to the Just Transition Commission's call for evidence.

Appendix 1 - Call for Evidence questions

The Call for Evidence comprised to initial questions to collect participant information, five open-ended questions and a request for additional relevant information:

Full name or organisation's name.

Does your response relate to a specific sector?

Q1. What do you see as the main economic opportunities and challenges associated with meeting Scotland's climate change targets?

Q2. What do you think are the wider social (health, community etc.) opportunities and challenges associated with meeting Scotland's climate change targets?

Q3. What would a successful transition to net-zero emissions look like for your sector/community?

Q4. What actions do you think the Scottish Government should take to manage the opportunities and challenges referenced above?

Q5. Are there specific groups or communities that may be, or feel that they may be, adversely affected by a transition to a net-zero carbon economy? What steps can be taken to address their concerns?

Q6. Please provide here any other information, evidence, or research you consider relevant to the work of the Commission.


Email: justtransitioncommission@gov.scot

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