Third Sector Interface: outcome framework

Activites and outcomes of Third Sector Interface (TSI) work funded by the Scottish Government.

Setting your outcomes: some guidance

See ESS guide to setting outcomes.

A quick reminder about outcomes

  • Outcomes are the changes or differences an organisation makes through its activities and services.
  • To write outcomes use words like:

Improve Decrease Reduce Expand Develop Sustain

(This relates to the how i.e. in what direction? See below)

How to write an outcome:

What is changing for who and how E.g.

  • Members have increased knowledge of policy
  • Policy makers have improved understanding of the needs of the client group

Outcomes link to our understanding of need:

Need: members lack opportunities to network with other providers

Outcome: members have increased connections with other providers

Activities must link logically and realistically to planned outcomes:

Activity: Provide business planning advice to social enterprises

Outcome: Social enterprises are more sustainable


Email: Stephen O’Neill

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