Tenant Farming Rent Review Survey: final report

This report presents the findings from a Tenant Farming Rent Review Survey. The research explores tenant farmers’ views and experiences of the current process of rent reviews.

5. Disagreements During the Rent Review Process

5.1. Summary of key points

  • The vast majority of respondents had not experienced any significant disagreements during the rent review process (79%). Few respondents (21%) had experience of significant disagreements with their current landlord during the rent review process.
  • Of these individuals the most common course of action taken to resolve the disputes was talking with a professional advisor (50%) or the landlord (50%) to find a solution.

5.2. Experience of Significant Disagreements with Current Landlord

The vast majority of respondents had not experienced any significant disagreements during the rent review process (79%). Where respondents had experienced issues, this was most likely to be regarding the rent review itself (11%), fixed equipment (9%) or housing related issues (9%).

Table 5.1 Experience of significant disagreements during rent review process
Unweighted base, n=900 %
Not had any significant disagreements 79.2%
Rent review 11.4%
Fixed equipment 9.1%
Housing 7.6%
Issues around assignation/ succession 3.5%
Diversification 2.4%
Conflicts with other business interests 2.3%
Resumption/ termination of lease 0.6%
Non-payment of rents 0.4%
Anything else 0.7%

5.3. Actions Taken to Resolve Disputes

Those who had experience of significant disagreements with their current landlord were asked to select from a list of options, any actions they had taken to resolve their dispute. Half of respondents had talked with a professional advisor to help find a solution (50%), and a further 50% had talked with their landlord or their representative to find a solution. Furthermore, 21% had sought legal intervention and 13% had asked the Tenant Farming Commissioner to assist. Just over 1 in 10 of this group of respondents said they had not been successful or tried to resolve their dispute.

Table 5.2 Actions taken to resolve disputes
Unweighted base, n=184 %
Talked with a professional advisor to help find a solution 50.2%
Talked with my landlord or his representative to find a solution 49.8%
Sought legal intervention 20.8%
Asked the Tenant Farming Commissioner to assist 12.5%
Used the Land Court process 11.5%
Used Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (includes mediation, arbitration and expert determination) 6.1%
Other means of resolution 0.6%
Have not been successful or tried to resolve dispute 12.5%


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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