
Scottish new National Parks - phase 2 - strategic environmental assessment (SEA): SEA reasonable alternatives report

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) addendum report for the future of National Parks proposals in Scotland

5. Next steps

The Reporter Consultation

5.1 On 7th November 2024, NatureScot opened the formal (statutory) consultation (“the Reporter Consultation”) on whether a new National Park should be established in Galloway and parts of South and East Ayrshire[19]. The Reporter Consultation considers whether there is support for a new National Park and what a potential new National Park might consist of - from its boundary and functions to its board makeup. It also seeks to gauge opinion on the proposal and alternatives to it. The consultation runs until 14th February 2025.

5.2 The SEA Environmental Report Addendum has been published alongside the Reporter Consultation to provide context on the alternatives considered and enable stakeholders and decision-makers to be effectively informed at this key stage of proposal development.

Future SEA Work

5.3 Following the close of the Reporter Consultation in February 2025, NatureScot will report to the Scottish Government on the outcome of the consultation, and it will provide advice on the new National Park proposal. Options for the new National Park will be considered in light of the consultation outcomes / analysis and taking into consideration the potential social, economic and environmental impacts.

5.4 If Scottish Government decides to proceed with the new National Park proposal following the outcome of the consultation and reporter investigation, there will need to be a further period of public consultation on any draft secondary legislation that is developed. Potential further SEA work, such as another addendum, will be considered at that time in line with the requirements of the 2005 Act.

5.5 Part 3 of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that a ‘statement’ be made available to accompany the proposals, as soon as possible after their adoption. The purpose of the SEA Post Adoption Statement is to outline how the SEA process has influenced and informed the proposals’ development process and demonstrate how consultation on both the SEA and the draft plan has been taken into account.

5.6 To meet these requirements, an SEA Post Adoption Statement will be published with the adopted proposals. The SEA Adoption Statement will set out: the reasons for choosing the preferred proposals in light of other reasonable alternatives; how environmental considerations were integrated into the proposals’ development process; how consultation responses were taken into account; and any monitoring measures.



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