
Unconventional oil and gas policy: SEA

Environmental report for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of our preferred policy position on unconventional oil and gas in Scotland.

16 Monitoring

16.1 Monitoring the significant environmental effects for any unforeseen adverse environmental effects is a statutory requirement within the 2005 Act. Monitoring seeks to ensure that plans avoid generating unforeseen adverse environmental effects.

16.2 There is a strong relationship between the preferred policy position on unconventional oil and gas in Scotland and the Scottish Government’s energy policy. It is anticipated that any unforeseen environmental effects would most likely relate to the energy sector, and the sourcing, production and use of different energy sources.

16.3 Therefore the proposed monitoring and reporting mechanism for unforeseen adverse effects will be the Annual Energy Statement which will be published by the Scottish Government. This Statement will set out:

  • the latest energy statistics;
  • the progress made towards existing targets and the new 2030 targets progress made under each of the six Strategic Priorities;
  • changes within the UK energy market and international frameworks; and
  • an assessment of technological changes and advances with a bearing on Scotland’s energy system.

16.4 Official Statistics on Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory are published annually by the Scottish Government. Independent reports on Scotland’s progress in reducing emissions are published annually by the Committee on Climate Change. The Scottish Government’s current Climate Change Plan has established a new monitoring framework, with annual reports on progress towards a suite of policy output and implementation indicators.


Email: Onshore Oil and Gas Team

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