
Strategic Board for Teacher Education: Meeting 29 Wednesday 15 May 2024: 10.00am – 11.30am

Strategic Board for Teacher Education: Meeting 29 Wednesday 15 May 2024: Meeting papers

1.0 - Purpose: The Paper

This paper sets out the developing Framework for Teacher Education and Development and has been informed by SBTE and stakeholder engagement. SBTE are asked to:

Formally agree the principles of the proposed framework for teacher education and development (section 1.2), which have been refined following previous SBTE and wider partner consideration.

Discuss and endorse the requirements of Teacher Education and Development in Scotland (section 1.3) which the framework will enable.

Commit to within organisation/body/group engagement using this paper and the suggested conditions for effectiveness as guidance with a view to providing further feedback at the next SBTE meeting.

Agree that the developing framework is shared with the Centre for Teaching Excellence Co-Production group (21st May) and feedback sought.

Agree that the developing framework is shared with Scottish Education Council (5 June) and feedback sought.

Note that over Summer, the workstream 3 sub-group will consider how best to engage SBTE partners in developing the ‘how’ of the proposed framework.

1.1 - Background: The Paper

Workstream 3 presented a paper at the February meeting of SBTE, following which there was an engagement day with key stakeholders on 4th March. The primary focus of the day was engagement, development and refinement of the principles and intentions set out in the original paper. Following this, workstream 3 have engaged in developing the Teacher Education and Development Framework. This paper encapsulates the work so far, provides the research and knowledge base that underpins the proposals and requests key actions as outlined above.

1.2 – Principles of the Framework Development

Following engagement, the following principles on which the Framework will be developed have been refined. The framework will:

  • State the expectations and entitlements for the development and education of teachers across their career continuum.
  • Bring shared clarity and coherence to the language used within teacher education and development.
  • Outline the highly skilled nature of the work of teaching, the key phases of the career continuum and aligned teacher education qualifications and professional learning and development.
  • Be based on what we know about how teachers develop professional expertise.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of those within and across the system. acknowledging the complex system that teachers, teaching and teacher education exist within.
  • Outline the policies, the range of programmes, and provision of and for teacher education and development, including formal qualifications at key career stages.

1.3 - Requirements of Teacher Education and Development in Scotland

Central to the Framework for Teacher Education and Development is/ are:

  • A critical understanding of how teachers learn and develop their professional pedagogy and identity within a professional community.
  • Specific models of teacher education, which reflect different needs, expectations and requirements across different phases.
  • The identification of distinctive teacher education and development phases and how this informs needs, focus, supports and provision of opportunity.
  • Clarity about the roles and responsibilities of those involved in provision which is carefully designed to ensure that teacher education is coherent, sustainable and progressive.
  • Informed by Professional Standards for Scotland’s teachers.



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