
Early learning, childcare and out of school care services: design guidance

Guidance on good design for supporting the delivery of high quality early learning, childcare and out of school care services.


We gratefully acknowledge the support and expertise given by a wide range of colleagues, providers, parents, children and groups too numerous to name individually in the creation of this guidance. In particular, we would like to thank the ELC Managers Forum and ADES Early Years and Resources networks for their invaluable help in shaping the final version of the guidance. Special thanks also go to all the settings who agreed to appear as case studies to illustrate key design principles, and to everyone who took part in the online surveys undertaken by the Care Inspectorate during the guide's early development phase.

Children at Cosmic Coppers at Merrylee, Glasgow enjoy loose parts play
Children at Cosmic Coppers at Merrylee, Glasgow enjoy loose parts play


Email: Jeff Maguire,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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