Social Security Scotland – client and staff insights: research findings

Social Security Scotland client and staff insights research findings for the period September 2018 to March 2019.

5. Dignity and Respect Findings

5.1 Client Insights – telephony contacts

From September 2018 to 31 March 2019 Social Security Scotland received over 37,800 contacts by phone. Of these, approximately 17,300 were in relation to BSG, 18,600 were in relation to CAS and 1,900 were general enquiries.

Call waiting times were on average 8 seconds; 11 seconds for BSG, 2 seconds for CAS and 3 seconds for general enquiries.

Call handling times were on average 4 minutes and 30 seconds; approximately 5 minutes for BSG, 4 minutes for CAS and 5 minutes for general enquiries.

5.2 Client Insights - satisfaction following general telephony contact

After any phone call with a client advisor, clients can stay on the line and answer a series of three questions about their experience with Social Security Scotland.

Of those who left a rating, 89% felt their call had been answered quickly [Question 1] 80% felt they got everything they needed from the call [Question 2] and 86% rated the service positively overall [Question 3].

Chart 1: Client experience ratings following telephone calls - November 2018 to March 2019

Chart 1: Client experience ratings following telephone calls - November 2018 to March 2019

Total number of responses to Question 1: 311
Total number of responses to Question 2: 306
Total number of responses to Question 3: 300

5.3 Client insights - satisfaction following applications

Social Security Scotland launched the Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment on 10th December 2018 – the first application-based grant for the organisation. Following both online and telephony applications, a questionnaire offers applicants the opportunity to make ratings on how the experience has been for them.

Of online applicants who left a rating between December 2018 and March 2019, 97% rated the service as Very good or Good. For telephony applicants, 100% of those who left a rating rated the service as Very good or Good.

Chart 2: Client experience ratings - BSG applications December 2018 - March 2019

Chart 2: Client experience ratings - BSG applications December 2018 - March 2019

Total number of ratings following a telephony application: 369
Total number of ratings following an online application: 641



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