Social Security Fraud: Code of Practice for Investigations

Document setting out how Social Security Scotland will conduct investigations into benefit fraud and use the Social Security Assistance (Investigation of Offences) (Scotland) regulations 2020.


11. As part of a wide-ranging consultation[8] on the content of the Act carried out between 29 July and 30 October 2016, respondents were invited to express their views on issues related to fraud.

12. Building upon this, the Scottish Government consulted on a draft Code of Practice for Investigations and the information gathering powers and associated offences contained within the proposed Social Security Assistance (Investigation of Offences) (Scotland) Regulations[9] between 6 August and 29 October 2018.

13. The Scottish Government engaged KSO Research Ltd to undertake an independent analysis of the consultation responses and produce a report for publication. The analytical report and the Scottish Government response can be found at .

14. Further engagement has taken place with respondents on specific and technical points raised which have informed the revised versions of both the regulations and Code.



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