
Social Security Experience Panels: Universal Credit Scottish choices

Findings from a survey on Universal Credit Scottish choices undertaken with Social Security Experience Panel members.


Awareness of the availability of the Universal Credit Scottish choices appeared to be relatively low among respondents in this survey. Many of those who were unaware of Universal Credit Scottish choices, had, however, taken up the option to have payments made directly to their landlord, or twice monthly payments. Others who were not aware of the choices or who had not taken up these options may have been in receipt of Universal Credit before the options were available in their area.

A number of respondents felt positively about the option to have payments made directly to landlords and to have twice monthly payments. Reasons included that payments directly to landlords would reduce stress, and that twice monthly payments could make it easier to budget.

However, many respondents had not been offered these choices, and some said that there was a lack of information generally about the options available to them on Universal Credit.

Many respondents were positive about the idea of split payments for couples. Most respondents felt that payments should be split based on individual circumstances, but some were unsure or felt they should be split equally. The main reasons given for people's views on split payments related to ensuring that the costs associated with looking after children were reaching the right person, ensuring that people could have financial independence from their partner, and to protect people in abusive relationships. Some were against the idea that payments should be calculated for couples or households, and felt that that each applicant should be treated as an individual. As noted above, this is an area in relation to which Scottish Government does not have decision making power.


Email: Catherine Henry

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