Social Security Administration and Tribunals (Scotland) Bill 2020: CRWIA

The aim of this child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) is to identify, research, analyse and record the anticipated impact of the Social Security Administration and Tribunal Membership (Scotland) Bill on children’s human rights and wellbeing in Scotland.


1. National Records of Scotland (2019) Mid-2018 population estimates Scotland

2. Stat Xplore, accessed 16th March 2020, Stat Xplore

3. Stat Xplore, accessed 16th March 2020, Stat Xplore and NRS (2019) Mid-2018 population estimates Scotland: Child DLA May-18 caseload estimate, Scotland, under 18s: 38542. 30 June 2018 under 18 population estimate: 1,028,798

4. Scottish Government (2019) Summary Statistics for schools in Scotland no. 10: 2019 edition - Additional early learning and childcare tables 2019, Table 5

5. Autism spectrum, English as an additional language, family issues, including additional support for bereavement, and young carers, speech and communication issues, learning difficulties and dyslexia, looked after, physical or motor impairment, or physical or mental health problems, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, visual or hearing impairment or are deafblind.

6. Scottish Government (2018) Long-Term Conditions Statistics, The Scottish Health Survey 2018: supplementary tables

7. Scottish Government (2018) Long-Term Conditions Statistics, The Scottish Health Survey 2018: supplementary tables

8. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

9. Section 96(2) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014







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