Social care - Independent Review Panel: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the advisory Independent Review Panel for the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of social care.


Membership will reflect key policy areas across areas of consideration for the work of the Independent Review.

Scottish Government: Representatives of Scottish Government policy teams may sit on this group as official observers or to provide advice and information on systems of Government.

The Independent Review Panel membership list is on the group page

Membership will be kept under review and the roles and responsibilities of the Members will be set by the Chair.

The Independent Review Panel will meet on a monthly basis. The meetings will take place virtually/in person/hybrid and the meeting schedule will be confirmed by the Chair. Frequency and timing of meetings will be kept under review.

The Chair has discretion to set the format of any meetings in a way that best suits the subject matter for discussion, having taken into account the views of panel members or ad hoc participants. As needed, the Scottish Government can provide physical meeting rooms for the purposes of in-person or hybrid meetings.

Any subgroups arising from the Independent Review Panel will meet when necessary to ensure that their remit is delivered effectively.

Minutes for each meeting will be taken by a member of the Review Secretariat Team at the Scottish Government, who is providing secretariat support. Minutes for meetings will be published on the Scottish Government website. Meeting minutes must be agreed by the Chair after each meeting prior to publication.



Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR)

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