
Skills delivery independent review: terms of reference

Proposed terms for the independent review of the skills delivery landscape, focusing chiefly on the functions and remit of Skills Development Scotland.

Independent advisor remit

The Review will be carried out independently of the Scottish Government and all other institutions.

To achieve the purpose of the Review the Independent Advisor will:

  • engage widely with stakeholders across the post-school skills and education system to inform their recommendations including the staff and Board of Skills Development Scotland and their representatives, employers, learners (including those still in school), and workers
  • consider the rationale and purpose for change as set out by Scottish Ministers, and ensuring that any recommendations and advice on structural change is designed to achieve this;
  • have regard to the principles for public service reform as they apply to public bodies as set out in the Resource Spending Review, published on 31 May 2022, and ensure that any recommendations and advice on reform is in line with these priorities;
  • provide regular written updates to the Scottish Ministers on the progress of the Review within agreed timescales.
  • report on their conclusions and recommendations to the Scottish Ministers within agreed timescales

It will be for the Independent Advisor to determine how they fulfil their remit to deliver on the purpose of the Review.

As a Public Appointment, the Advisor will be expected to observe the principles of public life including objectivity, openness, honesty and integrity.


Skills delivery landscape independent review


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