Senior phase: headteacher survey

A report on the findings from an online survey of secondary school headteachers exploring their perspectives of implementing Senior Phase of Curriculum for Excellence.


1. List of schools 'Open at September 2018'

2. Blank responses – These are instances where the headteacher has only recorded the profile information (ie name, school, postcode) but has not answered any of the survey questions.

3. Two of the duplicate responses were from Deputy headteachers where the headteacher of that school also responded to the survey. Responses were received from both the headteacher and depute headteacher at two schools; the response from the headteacher was included in the analysis. The remaining four duplicates were as a result of the headteacher submitting more than one response. The most complete survey return in each case was used in this analysis. We tried to contact these headteachers but did not get any response.

4. These two schools were not sent a link to survey through the Rocket Science mail out, but the link was widely disseminated through relevant networks.

5. In the survey, the following resources were identified as being 'from Education Scotland': Guidance – Building the Curriculum series; Guidance – CfE briefings; and Guidance – Experiences and Outcomes. These resources sit on the Education Scotland website but are jointly produced by SG/ES/SQA.

6. The BASE numbers in Figure 8 vary between 146 and 158 as each resource was asked about separately in the survey. Headteachers did not provide an answer for some resources.

7. For example, some headteachers that responded to this question have indicated that they only offer awards/qualifications in certain year groups. Others indicated offering Advanced Higher but not Higher in S5 and S6. Validation checks will be required before any additional analysis is undertaken. It is highly likely to be an element of respondent error based on what we know the schools offer. However, what is important to take from this data, is that there is a broad distribution of awards/qualifications that are offered by these secondary schools.

8. 4 headteachers indicated that they offer 'other' at S4, S5 and S6, accounting for 3% of responses

9. According to Education Scotland, a profile is "a snapshot of a young person's best achievements at a given point in time. The content of the profile is decided by the young person following a conversation with their teacher or key adult". All pupils complete their first profile in P7. More information available at:

10. No definition of 'capacity' was included in the survey

11. Insight is a professional tool for secondary schools and local authorities to identify areas of success and where improvements can be made. The system is updated twice annually, around September for attainment results, and February for school leavers' data.



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