
Scottish winter oilseed rape cultivation 2015-2016: impact of the second year of neonicotinoid seed treatment restrictions

Survey on the impact of current EU neonicotinoid seed treatment restrictions on Scottish winter oilseed rape cultivation.


1. Commission Implementing Regulation ( EU) No 485/2013 amending Implementing Regulation ( EU) No 540/2011, as regards the conditions of approval of the active substances clothianidin, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid, and prohibiting the use and sale of seeds treated with plant protection products containing those active substances [Accessed 13 January 2017]

2. European Food Safety Authority (2013) Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment for bees for the active substance clothianidin. EFSA Journal 11(1):3066.[Accessed 13 January 2017]

3. European Food Safety Authority (2013) Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment for bees for the active substance imidacloprid EFSA Journal 11(1):3068. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

4. European Food Safety Authority (2013) Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment for bees for the active substance thiamethoxam EFSA Journal11(1):3067.[Accessed 13 January 2017]

5. Scottish Government (2015) Results from the June 2015 Scottish Agricultural Census. Edinburgh. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

6. Scottish Government (2016) Results from the June 2016 Scottish Agricultural Census. Edinburgh. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

7. Scottish Government (2016) Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016. Edinburgh. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

8. Hughes, J., Monie, C., Reay, G. & Wardlaw, J. (2016) Survey of Scottish Winter Oilseed Rape Cultivation 2014/15: Impact of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatment Restrictions. Scottish Government, Edinburgh [Accessed 13 January 2017]

9. Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture ( SASA) Pesticide Usage on Arable crops Data Series [Accessed 13 January 2017]

10. AHDB Annual Project Report (2015) Combating resistance to aphicides in UK aphid pests. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

11. Foster, S & Williamson, J. (2015) Investigating pyrethroid resistance in UK cabbage stem flea beetle populations and developing a PCR-based assay for detecting turnip yellows virus in aphids. AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds Project Report No. 552 [Accessed 13 January 2017]

12. Emergency Committee for Pesticides (2015) Emergency Authorisation of 'Cruiser OSR' & 'Modesto' as a seed treatment on oilseed rape. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

13. Agricultural Statistics, Scotland 2015. HMSO, Edinburgh 2015.

14. Scottish Government (2016) Results from the 2015 December Agricultural Survey. Edinburgh [Accessed 13 January 2017]

15. Scottish Government (2016) Final Estimate of the Cereal and Oilseed Rape Harvest 2016. Edinburgh [Accessed 13 January 2017]

16. DEFRA (2015) Farming statistics - Structure of the agricultural industry in England and the UK at June 2016. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

17. AHDB cereal and oilseeds planting survey (2016) Planting results 2016. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

18. Alves, L, Wynn, S & Stopps, J. (2016) Project Report No. 551. Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle live incidence and severity monitoring 2015. ADAS, Wolverhampton. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

19. Nicholls CJ, (2015) Project Report 541. Assessing the impact of the restrictions on the use of neonicotinoid seed treatments . HGCA, Kenilworth. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

20. Wynn, S, Twining, S. & Carter, R. (2016) AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Final Harvest Summary 2016. ADAS, Cambridge. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

21. ADAS/ AHDB Project overview (2016) Integrated pest management of cabbage stem flea beetle in oilseed rape. [Accessed 13 January 2017]

22. Wood, H.J. (1931) An Agricultural Atlas of Scotland. George Gill and Sons, London


Email: Pesticide Survey unit

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