Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 6 Number 1: Loch Linnhe and Firth of Lorn MASTS Case Study Workshop Report

Report on a case study workshop on the Loch Linnhe and Firth of Lorn (LL&FL) system.

DOI: 10.7489/1539-1

Concluding Remarks

In February 2014 researchers of the MASTS scientific community reviewed our current knowledge of the LL& FL system and discussed data sources, research topics and possible future collaborations during a MASTS organized workshop. This report has provided an overview of the meeting. In addition to this report, several other outputs are expected from this case study workshop:

  • A meta-data catalogue: after the meeting, this has been initiated through a Google form.
  • Literature database: a database of relevant publications has been established ( Appendix 3).
  • Linking of sample owners and potential analyst resource through small-scale projects.
  • Report summarising our knowledge of the LL& FL systems for publication in a non-peer review report series (such as the Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science report series by Marine Scotland Science).
  • Overview of gaps an potential projects ( Gaps and Funding Sources).

Although initially a stakeholder engagement event was also included in the LL& FL Case Study overview, it was decided not to pursue this further as several stakeholder events were already planned, with a danger of duplication of efforts and over-whelming stakeholders.


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