Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 5 Number 4: Prioritisation of monitoring and research for diadromous fish in the context of Marine/Offshore Renewables

A summary of stakeholder engagement meetings between Marine Scotland, wild fisheries interests and wind, wave and tidal developers

5. References

Gill, A.B. and Bartlett, M. 2010. Literature review on the potential effects of electromagnetic fields and subsea noise from marine renewable energy developments on Atlantic salmon, sea trout and European eel. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No.401.

Malcolm, I. A., Godfrey, J. and Youngson, A.F. 2010. Review of migratory routes and behaviour of Atlantic Salmon, sea trout and European eel in Scotlands coastal environment: implications for the development of marine renewables. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 1 No 14.

Malcolm, I. A., Armstrong, J.D., Godfrey, J.D., Maclean J.C. and Middlemas S.J. 2013. The Scope of Research Requirements for Atlantic Salmon, Sea Trout and European eel in the Context of Offshore Renewables. Marine Scotland Science Report 05/13.

Myers, G. S. 1949. Usage of Anadromous, Catadromous and allied terms for migratory fishes. Copeia 1949: 89-97.

Thorley J.L. 2013. The Potential Influence of Robin Rigg Wind Farm on the Abundance of Adult and Juvenile Atlantic Salmon. A Poisson Consulting Ltd. Report prepared for Marine Scotland Science, Pitlochry, Scotland.


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