The Scottish Health Survey 2011 - volume 3: technical report
Annual Report of the Scottish Health Survey for 2011. Technical Report.
Advance Letters
Dear Sir or Madam
We would like to invite you to take part in the Scottish Health Survey.
This important study collects information about the health and lifestyles of people in Scotland and the things that can affect people's health. This study is the only way the Scottish Government and NHS Health Scotland can get this valuable information.
Many organisations use the information from the study including the Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland, local Health Boards, universities and charities. They use it to:
- help plan health services
- look at ways of improving people's health
- look at changes in the nation's health over time
In the next few days an interviewer from the Scottish Centre for Social Research (ScotCen) will call at your address to invite you to take part. They will also be able to explain more about the study. All our interviewers carry an identity card with a photograph that you should ask to see. The study will take place over a number of weeks so if the interviewer calls at a time which does not suit you please let them know and they will call back at a better time.
The name of the interviewer who will be calling is: _________________________________
We hope you will be willing to help us with this important study. We rely on the goodwill and voluntary co-operation of those invited to take part to make the study a success. People who have taken part in the past have found it an enjoyable and interesting experience.
As a way of saying thank you, we have enclosed a £5 voucher which can be spent in a number of different high street shops.
On the back of this letter we have answered some of the questions you may have about the study. If you would like to talk to someone about the study, please use the freephone number 0800 652 4569 and ask for Scottish Health Survey team. If no one is available please leave a message and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
Thank you for your help.
Lisa Given
Senior Researcher
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How did you choose my address? |
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What will happen to any information I give? |
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How long will it take? |
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Who is carrying out the study? |
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Where can I find out more about the study? |
Contact number and contact names |
Dear Sir or Madam
We would like to invite you to take part in the Scottish Health Survey.
This important study collects information about the health and lifestyles of people in Scotland and the things that can affect people's health. This study is the only way the Scottish Government and NHS Health Scotland can get this valuable information. This year the study is focusing on the health of children aged 0-15.
Many organisations use the information from the study including the Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland, local Health Boards, universities and charities. They use it to:
- help plan health services
- look at ways of improving people's health
- look at changes in the nation's health over time
In the next few days an interviewer from the Scottish Centre for Social Research (ScotCen) will call at your address to invite you to take part. They will also be able to explain more about the study. All our interviewers carry an identity card with a photograph that you should ask to see. The study will take place over a number of weeks so if the interviewer calls at a time which does not suit you please let them know and they will call back at a better time.
The name of the interviewer who will be calling is: _________________________________
We hope you will be willing to help us with this important study. We rely on the goodwill and voluntary co-operation of those invited to take part to make the study a success. People who have taken part in the past have found it an enjoyable and interesting experience.
As a way of saying thank you, all participating households will be given a £5 voucher which can be spent in a number of different high street shops.
On the back of this letter we have answered some of the questions you may have about the study. If you would like to talk to someone about the study, please use the freephone number 0800 652 4569 and ask for Scottish Health Survey team. If no one is available please leave a message and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
Thank you for your help.
Lisa Given
Senior Researcher
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How did you choose my address? |
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What will happen to any information I give? The Scottish Government and NHS Health Scotland will treat information you give in strict confidence. The results of the study will never include any names or addresses. The information collected is used for statistical and research purposes only and will be dealt with according to the principles of the 1998 Data Protection Act. |
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How long will it take? |
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Who is carrying out the study? |
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Where can I find out more about the study? |
Contact number and contact names |
Email: Julie Ramsay
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