Doctors' and dentists' remuneration (DDRB) review body - 2022-2023 pay round: evidence

Written evidence submitted to the review body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration (DDRB) by the Scottish Government for the 2022 to 2023 pay round.

J. Conclusions and Recommendations

328. Our remit letter to the DDRB from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care confirms the parameters which we wish the DDRB to work within for their 2022-23 Report.

329. We believe our SPSPP provides a fair deal for Scottish Public Sector staff given the overall economic context. The evidence presented sets out the overall policy context and background within which NHSScotland is working – but we would ask the DDRB to consider its recommendations within the confines of SPSPP which are:

  • setting a guaranteed wage floor of £10.50 per hour;
  • providing a guaranteed cash underpin of £775 for public sector workers who earn £25,000 or less;
  • providing a basic pay increase of up to £700 for public sector workers who earn between £25,000 and £40,000;
  • providing a cash uplift of £500 for public sector workers who earn over £40,000.

330. As in previous years, the Scottish Government continues to value the independent view which the DDRB offers on doctors' and dentists' pay and recognises the role that they will play in helping to determine pay levels for NHSScotland medical and dental staff and invite you to make recommendations for the year from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.



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